Monday, May 04, 2009

And there off....

To the Derby Party that is!

Friday night was my Southern Belle Society Spring Gala with a Derby theme (again this year! but I do love it!). It was such fun despite the rain.

The home that hosted us was fabulous. It was up on a large hill with one entire side being windows that overlooked the river and all the way up to the Smoky Mountains. It was amazing. The art collection was amazing as well. Not my thing at all, but wow! Also wow...the olypmic sized indoor swimming pool. Even the pool house had fancy art.
In addition to offering their beautiful home and lovely garden, the hosts provided a full open bar.
If I ever become independently wealthy....I'm returning the favor.

But let's get on to the important things: the big hats!

Most of the gals in my clique opted out of hats this year...but Nicolette and I were sporting them. I was also sporting a permanent mint julep for the evening. Most half drank and topped off with bourbon. That's the finest way to do your bettin'!

I was out too far too late and my poor thigh muscles are killing me. Partly from my new workout and partly from dancing in four inch heels.

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