Thursday, July 24, 2008


It's one of my favorite times of the year.

School supply time! I love, love, (LOVE!) going up and down the school supply aisle and looking at all he cool planners (oh how I big puffy heart planners), pens, notebooks, little pencil cases, etc.

So sad it makes me cry, I need not any of the above items but I still enjoy lovingly caressing the niftly items. Little Brother is a basic give me paper and pencils kinda guy, which is nice for my budget I suppose.

I still might throw in a Hello Kitty lunchbox for me him!


Kelley said...

I love school supply time too...unfortunately I have no need for any of it. :-(

Emily said...

I love school supplies too! I can't believe most schools start in just about 2 weeks! Crazy!

♥B said...

This is my favorite time of the year too!

Stop over at my blog if you get time to see the present that I gave to you for being one of my favorite blogs to read.