Sunday, August 03, 2008

Careful on the Big News

There's a point in your life when you're mid twenties with a few years of marriage behind you and the universe starts to expect you to have children. (Case in point when your jobless and already have a fourteen year old and a dog. I hear ya universe! It's my husband you need to talk to!) People begin to ask more and more. You turn down a drink and suddenly speculation is running with wild abandon. You feel sickish one day and raised eyebrows of morning sickness are upon you.

So during this time don't you dare call up a friend and exclaim to have big news without specifically pointing out you're not pregnant; lest you receive a pacifer and baby booties in the mail!


Kelley said...

I'm totally with you on this! I called one of my really good friends to tell her about the move, and babies was the first things she thought. Since I'm still jobless, everyone thinks it's the perfect time for us to get pregnant. I'm ready, however my husband isn't hearing the calls of the universe just yet, but he's warming up to it.

Kas said...

True that. :)

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

Very true! Once you hit 30 it seems like it gets worse. I'm just sain'.

Creole Wisdom said...

lol. people are funny, huh? goodness. i feel like if you are ever seeing a boy in college, have it be date ONE folks assume: it's serious, engagement might happen, and he's def. your boyfriend! duh, lol!

Platinum Rose said...

I hear you on all those accounts. I started getting harassed with baby questions, mainly from coworkers, the second we got married. At first, I wasn't ready. Then DH wasn't ready. For the past few months we've both finally become ready, but now we're trying to hold out to build a house. Sigh. It's hard waiting! And it makes it worse when people keep harassing you about it. I want to be there already, people, so shut up already and stop asking!