Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesday Top Ten

I can't think of anything for my Tuesday Top Ten. There isn't much going on at this moment. So here, without rhyme or reason, are:

Top Ten Random Thoughts in My Head

  1. Should I order those pillows from Pottery Barn? I need to get inserts so that I can cover pretty cushions for the den.
  2. I need to put my wedding announcement in hometown newspapers. One down, four to go.
  3. I need to pay my PRSA dues.
  4. I still haven't emailed my Sorority Nationals, again. Of course, given the history they're in no hurry to get back with me.
  5. Don't forget to order the cute pics recently uploaded to shutterfly.
  6. Tonight I'm going to go to Target, go to the grocery, and perhaps assist my husband in painting the potting shed. Oh, and I should do laundry, too.
  7. Look for the sofa and leather ottoman receipts which are most likely on my desk. Of course given the sight of my desk you'll probably find kangaroos, beachside condos, and third world countries under there as well.
  8. What on earth am I going to get my husband for his birthday? I have a few ideas, but I can't make big decisions.
  9. I'd like to curl up in my bed and take a nap. I could use a good book, a little TV, and perhaps my hubby to play with my hair.
  10. I think I could use a cup of coffee.

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