Friday, September 14, 2007

It's a lovely day for a duck.

Rain, rain go away...

While this weather is great for my flowers (I have twenty roses blooming, twenty!) and hopefully it will help my crunchy, crispy hydrangeas, it's making me rather groggy at work today. Yes, I shouldn't already be blogging at work, but the VP's etc. are out and everyone else is playing and looking at a new baby that was brought in, so I'm having a difficult time staying on task with the lady who is training me. She's pretty much over everything at this point, and I can't say I blame her.

I need a nap. I see it in my future this afternoon. That said, who wants to come clean my house and go to the grocery and do the baking for the big football party this weekend? More than one are welcome. I'll make you a towel animal.


Kas said...

I've always wanted a towel animal! I'll take the baking! :)

Anonymous said...

towel animal? can you make those!? You've got me even more ready for that freaking carnival cruise! :) glad the first day went well!

Zoe D. said...

GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!:)