Thursday, May 17, 2007

Quote of the Week (a la Bri)

My girlfriend Bri and I are in a wedding this fall. She was calling the dress shop with her measurements for her bridesmaids dress. The man (?) on the phone was perplexed at what she told him and asked (and I am not kidding) "Are you a box?" I would think even idiot would no better than to say any such thing to a woman! However the ever so lovely and clever Bri came back with:

"No sir, I am a lady. I've had a couple of kids and things aren't where they used to be, but I'm a lady, not a box. Are you?"

I love it!


Swistle said...

Holy crap, is that guy even HUMAN? What a question! Especially from a store employee. That's really bad. Seems like his boss might appreciate hearing about this incident.

secarden said...

much like the time the saleslady put her hand on my shoulder and said 'don't worry we have your size in the back' ... thanks for letting me walk in thru the front door lady ...

Lindsey said...

good job bri!!!