Friday, July 21, 2006

It's Official: I Hate July

I've decided this week that July is my least favorite month. It's just too humid here to do anything in July. I walked outside for work before 8 am this week and broke into an instant sweat. The humidity levels make it unpleasant to even sit outside beneath an umbrella for lunch. I can't imagine what my friends are feeling since My Town is mild compared to most places in the South. Mrs. S in Twiggy Town, CC in Atl, Bracelet Girl M in Texas, and Braceleth Girl E in Florida probably all have it far worse. Unite girls--no more July!

May it also be known that I picked the worst month of the year for the landscaping project at our house. J and I have been doing little things after work and because the evenings are still so miserable, we wait until late and were still mulching via floodlights last night at 10pm. But thankfully, the project is almost over and it looks wonderful.

Ugh, did I mention July is miserable?

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