Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So much to Blog About

I don't use my computer too much on the weekends. I use one enough at work that I'm busy doing other things at home. Hence why I haven't blogged about the last several days. It was the weekend and while at work I was actually busy! So, let's begin.

Thursday: Sundown and Marc Broussard

J and I were very excited to go the last Sundown this year and to hear Marc Broussard. But I also remembered why I don't often attend free city sponsored events. Every freak, geek, and redneck comes out of the woodwork to attend free city sponsored events. Especially those who don't have an open container rule. That's right, on Thursday nights April-June you can walk around loudly and proudly with your plastic cup of beer on Market Square. It's like Knoxville's own little Bourbon Street. (Actually that would be New Orleans in general since open containers are always allowed and welcomed.)

So while there were about a million people there, I managed to run into everyone I know. Big O was "here on business" (yeah right, so was I!), I found some camp friends, T-Ho, random college acquaintances, a lovely family from my nanny network, co-workers, and even people who I never care if I see again. Also out in full force were way too many children who needed to be accompanied by an adult. Middle school children have absolutely no business running around Market Square half dressed and wearing too much make up. The kids are very immature and are more of a ruckus. Sure, come here the music, but do just that. But no, these kids are running back and forth wildly like an ape that has escaped the confines of the zoo. It was very disturbing. Did I mention how they were half dressed and wearing too much makeup? Hello? You are in middle school. You have no hips and no chest, your cheeks are round and you have baby fat on your middle. Now cover yourself and wash your face!

(Anecdote: Being the girly girl I am I've always worn make up. Well, always as soon as my super strict parents would let me. I'd always sneak lip gloss, but in middle school I was allowed to wear makeup. By allowed to wear makeup I mean powder, blush, pale eyeshadows, and a little mascara. No 3 inch thick eyeliner rings with gray, smoky, come hither eyes that made me look twenty four. That was so old back then!)

Beyond that there were all of the high school kids. They were either A) half dressed with too much make up or B) over dressed with too much makeup. By overdressed I mean this is not the prom! You do not need your black strapless with sequins and 4 inch gold heels. This is an outdoor music festival on a Thursday night in June. Throw on a sundress and call it a day. I was wearing jeans and a pink halter top. (If only everyone were like me!). Another nuisance of the high school crowd was the running around. Not as obnoxious as the middle school crowd, yes just as disturbing. They were not there to here music but to see and be seen. And for the love of everything good hang up your cell phone! You can't hear anyone and they can't hear you. It's a concert and it's loud.

Parent's need to not use free city sponsored events as babysitters to dump their kids.

The freaks, geeks, and rednecks out reminded me of the town where I went to high school. R'ville has free pool day on July 4th and there is a huge array of events at the adjacent city park all day. There are concerts, talent shows, games, booths, free giveaways, etc. Now if you wanna see some freaks, geeks, and rednecks, just mosey a little northeast and visit on the 4th. People come out of the hills to bathe for free pool day. You wouldn't catch me near that nasty water. Cherokee Lake is cleaner!

Other exciting spottings at Sundown included a number of ladies sporting 6 shades of trailer park in their hair, a comparable number or ladies sporting fake tans that are natural for no body type, old women wearing cut up daisy duke like shorts with their nasty (yet tanned!) flabby stomachs and legs hanging out, obscure, trashy, nasty, and gross tattoos poking out of every body part imaginable, and believe it or not there are people guilty of being all of the above!
Yes--they are out there. That is exactly what I mean about freaks, geeks, and rednecks. Oh and the men, gotta love the skanky old men all roughed up with the aforementioned tattoos, strutting long with a string of smoke trailing behind and holding the plastic cup of hops. Most has obviously had a little "pre-hopping" before arriving.

Oh, the good times. But above the the sightseeing, Marc Broussard was absolutely fabulous! I really enjoyed attending the show and hearing his music. I'd heard so much about him, yet had never seen him. He is very soulful rock and roll. If you like DMB and Hootie (my faves!) he is your kinda guy. But even if you aren't DMB and Hootie fans, he was great! He has the kind of music that I think anyone can enjoy. J and I are on the search for a CD. Marc Broussard is a new must listen to up and coming favorite! (Like Ingram Hill!).

Friday: Wedding Time

Friday was B's bridesmaid luncheon hosted by Mrs. Teresa and was absolutely lovely. We all had lunch at the Applecake Tea Room which reminded me so much of the Norris Tea Room, which we all know that I adore. It's very cute and cozy. The bracelet girls were all in attendance except Missa. Mrs. B and Mrs. Y were also there and I so love those ladies along with B's Nana whom I adore and R's Grandmother from California whom I hadn't met. It was so nice to sit back with the girls for lunch and tea. We simply must do that more often.

That evening was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Everything went smoothly despite a few things that B was not pleased with. She is so against walking to one side down the aisle, and most definitely the prayer books. I (oh the devil in me!) encouraged her to go ahead and split in the back anyway. What was the Preist going to do? Not marry her? Doubtful! So with my insistent prodding she did it! I was so proud! Way to stand up for yourself B! I also assured her that there are a great number of people out there who have pegged me as going to hell and probably have a handbasket and/or hot plate all ready and waiting, with that being said, I had no qualms with making a little trip to the church to remove all the prayer books and replace them after the ceremony! Unfortunately she declined the offer. You know my love for adventures, that would have been a good one! I'm sure I could have had my fellow bracelet girl Mrs. S to back me up on that one! It would have been a good time.

Following the rehearsal was dinner at BRAVO! Yum! That's all you can say, YUM! It was great to get to spend more time with the bracelet girls and their hubbies as well as the bride and grooms family whom again, I adore!

Friday night was the M Bed and Breakfast! We had guests to fill the extra rooms and it was exciting! If it weren't for wedding madness starting bright and early the next morning I could have made waffles!

Saturday: Here Comes the Bride

THE HOLIDAY IS CANCELLED! Just kidding--but that was a little shout out for Mrs. B. Of all people, I along with Mrs. S, was the calm and collected one. Now tell me, where did that come from? Mrs. S and I are the most uptight, OCD, anal retentive, type A gals you can find. Depsite the high stress everything worked out wonderfully.

I love weddings. Especially those of my best and dearest friends. It was so much fun to do hair and makeup and get ready together. B looked absolutely stunning in her dress! The ceremony was wonderful and the reception just got better and better. Finally--the bracelet girls all together! We partied like rock stars until we shut the place down. It was on the dance floor that I had the divine epiphany that WOW--I think I'm Mrs. Young's daughter!

It was the first time that I hadn't got to join the crowd of "come catch the bouquet" girls. Instead, the bracelet girls stood in front of B and cheered her on. She is the last of us to be married. We were all determined to beat her down the aisle and have consistently been doing the wedding thing since December.

So after seeing the newlyweds off to Las Vegas, we went home to crash. Yeah--we're getting old.

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