Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
The best of times, the worst of times
I was told this week that the second year of marriage is the hardest. (It was followed with a "so, good luck with that" given that my second year is about to start.) I've also been told the first year is the hardest. And also that if you make it past the fifth, you're doing fine. Well, my grandparents proved the latter wrong by divorcing after 40 years. (I know, you're thinking what the? So did I.)
J and I had an easy first year I'd say. It was definitely a learning experience and I feel like I learn something about him everyday. We also had extra stresses that could have been potentially harmful to our relationship with the craziness that is my uterus donor. We've never really had a fight, just the discussion of what would be the biggest fight ever. Sure we have disagreements or arguments, but really it's just when one of us is already in a bad mood. We're both pretty quick to say "I'm a crabby pants, you probably don't wanna be around me."
I'm sure it won't always be this easy for us, and perhaps next year will bring about difficult challenges. However, I have tremendous faith that we're going to survive whatever comes our way. Giving my family history, divorce is one of my biggest fears. However J and have already decided that it would be too expensive, and why divorce if we could have the golden opportunity to be miserable together forever. Now that's love!
So back to all seriousness, what was your hardest year or time in your marriage. You don't have to give great detail to the whole Internet, just a little advice or insight. Also for the newlyweds like myself, what have been your challenges and learning experiences or what do you fear the most? For the singles out there, what are the biggest challenges in your dating life?
Go ahead, discuss.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Dress Up Clothing or Lingerie
Remember how I feel about trends, horrible trends, my fashionable future? Well now I'm going to tell you how I feel about little girls dress up clothes.
A sweet little girl I babysit for recieved a dress up trunk for her birthday. Not just a dress up trunk, but a Disney Princess dress-up trunk. She was so excited to show me all of her goodies and for me to "ooh" and "ahh" over her as she modeled her new wardrobe for me.
Only I nearly fell out of my chair.
The clothing in this trunk was only fit for a woman in the bedroom! Snow White's dress was a tube top with a choker and little cuffs to fit just on your wrists. Cinderella was a tube top (as in bandeau with the tummy hanging out) and separate little puffed "sleeves" for the shoulders. Both outfits boasted micro mini skirts. Sleeping Beauty and Belle were equally appalling. It was atrocious! I kept wondering where the fishnet stockings were because it would have been very appropriate for the outfits/costumes.
I don't have children yet, but moments like this make me vow to dress them only in long plaid skirts, turtlenecks, and knee socks. Apparently society has already decided that sexy is ok for today's youth, but how much sexy is too sexy for children?
What do you consider too much/over the top/totally inappropriate for children (toddlers through teens)?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Pickled or Stewed?
I've returned from the long weekend in the mountains with the entourage of friends known as the bracelet girls. It was a good time, especially once Mrs. Y got over the "wait, wait, wait, a minute. We really are staying in a cabin in the mountains? Huh?"
I'm not sure if I'm pickled from the copious amounts of wine consumed or stewed from the countless hours spent in the hot tub into the wee hours of the night.
We dined on pasta and had wine with chocolates, grapes, and strawberries. Ok fine, by Sunday morning Mrs. S and I were drinking white zinfandel out of a box, and eating oreos and canned squeeze cheese on crackers. Yes, we are a class act. Of course, you already knew that about her.
When we weren't wine tasting (yes, that's what it was, wine tasting) we were entertained chit chatting and playing catch-up on our lives. We also hiked a couple of trails, spent time at the lake, and shopped a little one evening (where I got a navy and cream sailor striped shirt at the Gap for a whopping $1.97. Thank you, thank you very much!).
Oh, and Mrs. S had a fabulous quote one day. But I've forgotten it. If you've read above, then I'm sure you understand.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Labels: bracelet girls
Friday, April 20, 2007
J and I will celebrate our FIRST wedding anniversary next Sunday (29th). We were married in a state park and will most likely go there for hiking, picnicking, frolicking... The jury is still out as to if we're going to camp or not. We are going to make the tradition to be traditional with anniversary gifts as well. That said, I think the certification that goes with the diamonds in the anniversary band that I want counts as paper, yes? However our splurge will probably be our passports for our upcoming vacation. Exciting, I know.
Tell me what you did for your first anniversary and what your favorite anniversary memory or celebration has been. What do you do for gifts or do you even exchange gifts? What do you hope to get for your anniversary in the semi near future (*cough, honey I really love that anniversary band and it would look ever so lovely on my pretty little finger and also a manicure to go with it, cough!*) Anyone have creative suggestions for "paper" gifts for our first anniversary? I mean if you can think of something that I might like from J, he can read all about it in the comments.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Friday, April 20, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Busy Me Equals Recipes For You
I feel as if I've been on an endless run for several days now. J and I had visitors for the weekend and first part of last week, the weekend brought about babysitting and lunch with the S's followed by a cold afternoon in the hot tub for Mrs. S and me. I've also been finishing up monogramming orders. This week has been busy as well as I've tried to clean and organize for the weekend. Tonight I'm hosting Bunco and will leave work early on Friday to pick up Mrs. Y and head to the lake cabin in middle Tennessee to meet Mrs. S where we will then all go to the Nashville Airport to pick up the other Mrs. M and Mrs. G. I've been making hors d'oeuvres for Bunco and also premake dishes for our girls weekend. Dishes that go well with wine. Lots and lots of wine. So for you dear readers, here are four great pasta recipes. I'm making the lasagna and chicken and pasta this week, and the others are just things I love! My school of cooking is a pinch of this and dash of that, so you may want to play with the recipes. Enjoy!
Tortellini Soup
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
6 to 8 cloves garlic, chopped
4 cups homemade or low-salt chicken broth
6 ounces fresh or frozen cheese tortellini
14 ounces canned diced tomatoes, with their liquid10 ounces spinach, washed and stemmed; coarsely chopped if large8 to 10 leaves basil, coarsely chopped Grated Parmesan, preferably Parmigiana Reggiano
Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add the broth and bring to a boil. Add the tortellini and cook halfway, about 5 minutes for frozen pasta, less if using fresh. Add the tomatoes and their liquid, reduce the heat to a simmer, and cook just until the pasta is tender. Stir in the spinach and basil and cook until wilted, 1 to 2 minutes. Serve sprinkled with the grated cheese. It's also tasty with cheese quesedillas. Yum! **Makes about 6 hefty servings.
The C-S Family Lasagna Recipe
2 boxes of Lasagna Noodles Uncooked
1 Large Jar of Ragu – Meat or Traditional Sauce
1 Large Jar of Ragu – Chunky Mushroom
1 Large Can of Sliced Mushrooms
1 Large Can of Diced Garlic Tomato and Onions
1 Large Can of Diced Tomatoes
1 Pound of Ground Beef (Ground Chuck is best if available)
1 Large Container of Ricotta Cheese
1 Large Container of Small Curd Cottage Cheese
1 Container of Parmesan Cheese
1 Large Bag of Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1 Large Bag of Shredded Swiss cheese
1 Large Bag of Shredded Italian Cheese mix
Garlic Salt
Start with the sauce first because it needs time to simmer and blend together.
Empty both Ragu containers into a large pot
Drain mushrooms then add to sauce
Add both cans of diced tomatoes
Add drained browned ground meat into the mixture. (When browning the meat, season with pepper and garlic salt)
Season with garlic salt, pepper, salt, and Parmesan cheese
Stir all ingredients together on medium to high heat until the mixture begins to bubble. After bubbling, stir, continue to season to taste, and cover so it can simmer.
In a large mixing bowl beat the following ingredients: (I use my KA blender to get the smoothest texture)
Ricotta Cheese
Cottage Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese
Swiss Cheese
Parmesan Cheese
Italian Cheese Mix
A pinch of pepper and salt
Mix all ingredients to a smooth paste like mixture
Putting It All Together
Layer of Marinara sauce into the bottom of a large lasagna pan
Layer of Uncooked Noodles (The noodles will cook in the marinara sauce and will keep from being soupy)
Layer of cheese mix completely covering the noodles.
Layer of Shredded Mozzarella Sauce
Repeat this process until your pan is full. On the last layer add a layer of marinara sauce, and then cover with Parmesan and shredded cheese.
Bake the lasagna in a preheated oven at 425 degree for approximately an hour. Cook until a knife can cut the lasagna. **Makes a hearty large dish. About 10 Servings.
1 or 2 cans of tuna
1 can of cream of mushroom soup (ok I use cream of anything I have around)
Splash of Milk
Egg Noodles or Bow Tie Pasta
Shredded Cheese, I prefer swiss
Cook pasta until nearly done. Drain and return to pot. Add tuna, milk, soup, and finely chopped onion. (I also add a little garlic). Mix well. Place in small casserole dish (8x8) and top with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20-30 mins. **Makes 4 servings.
Cold Chicken and Pasta
1 pkg vermicelli pasta
1 lb chicken
1 jar artichoke hearts
1 onion
1/2 cup sugar
6 tbs red wine vinegar
1/4 c. of oil
Chicken bouillon cubes
Basil (4 tsp?)
6 tsp lemon juice
3 tsp (Lawry's) season salt
Cook chicken in water with 3/4 diced onion and chicken bouillon cubes. While cooking, make the dressing. When chicken is finished remove from pot but keep the now made chicken stock. Add noodles to the stock for cooking. Allow chicken to cool and cut in small chunks or shred. When noodles are finished drain completely and put on top of chicken. Poor dressing over pasta and chicken. Take artichokes and squeeze over sink one at a time. Once drained they should easily crumble on top of pasta. Toss together. NOTE: This works great to put in a bowl with a lid so you can shake it up really well. Best if it sits over night. (You can eat it hot, but it's meant to be cold and I think it's best that way.) Also when cherry tomatoes are in season I slice a few on the top. Delicious! ** Makes several small snack sized portions or 6-8 dinner sized portions.
Combine in bowl: oil, red wine vinegar, lemon juice, basil, season salt, sugar, and remainder of onion grated. Wisk. Set aside to poor over hot noodles.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The Eye Funk
Last week I came down with an eye funk. Seriously, there were clowns, camels, and carnivals all taking up residence in my eyes. Yuck! They were light sensitive, red and watery, and felt constantly like there was sand in them. It wasn't "pink eye" because I've had that before. I resisted the temptation to go to Web MD for fear I'd come down with a number of other maladies along the way. So I sucked it up and made an emergency appointment at the eye doctor's office.
First of all, I had to refill all of the paperwork because the last doctor I'd seen had left and took his records with him. Does anyone else find that odd? Shouldn't those records be in a computer? Shouldn't the actual office have the right to retain a copy? This makes me want to switch eye doctors again. I'm desperately trying to find someone and stick with them. (I'm also considering switching gynecologists. I think I'm going to stick it out with the dentist (even though I think he over charges me for being a pain), but mostly because Mrs. S's mom works there and I can cry if I want to! But seriously, I'd like to find some people and stick with them.)
Anyway, thirty minutes and thirty dollars later I'm told I have a virus (conjunctive-retinal-something or another----mimosa??) and that there is no treatment but to suck it up and use some drops. Great. Just great. I mean all of the above feels really pleasant when I'm at a computer for 85% of my day. So I continued to drive around with one eye open (thankfully the right eye. I'm legally blind in my left. At any rate, stay off of the pike....) adding drops, feeling like I'm ready for the carny to pack up and leave.
But to get to my point, I've not been able to wear make up for the past week and still cannot for a couple of days. I feel like I look a little frightening. I'm a full on eye make-up kind of gal (pipe down, I'm not a high maintenance kind of person.) At the very least I never leave the house without mascara and lip gloss. On the bright side, I've shaved ten minutes off my morning routine because I can totally put on lip gloss while driving (with one eye open...). This has been kind of nice. Since summer is fast approaching I'll be paring down my daily routine because I feel so hot, sticky, and gross with the melting sun upon my painted on face, so I suppose this has been a good start.
But since I'm missing wearing make up, I'd like to talk about it. Would you be so kind as to tell me about your normal make-up/getting ready/morning routine. To be fair, I'll go first.
I have to dry my hair (which I loathe) or flatten or curl it if I went to bed with it wet because I have about 49 cowlicks. On days I do morning washes I don't curl or anything because it takes so. long. to. dry. my. hair. And I hate hair dryers.
For my face I use moisturizer with sunscreen all over my face and neck. Next I add concealer to the big black bags beneath my eyes and on any blemishes my darling face has incurred. (There is this red dot on my cheek that will. not. go. away! It's not a zit or anything, just an annoying dot.) Next, I put on liquid make-up over the entire face. Truthfully I skip this step 75% of the time. But then I always add on a layer of loose powder with a big fluffy brush. I sometimes (40% of the time) will add a little blush. I'm kinda rosy anyway so this step isn't really that necessary. Next, I start on the eyes. I use eyeliner, followed by several colors of eye shadow (at least 2, usually three or four) all blended in with a brush and then add a coat of mascara. Last I put on lipstick and gloss/chapstick all day long.
So tell me your routine. And I hope it's not currently interrupted by eye funk.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Oops I did it again...
I got a new cell phone. If you remember, that didn't go so well for me the last time. However, this time it was necessary. My current phone, which came over on the Mayflower, will no longer hold a charge or a call. My husband got me this cute little thing (which has features I'm sure I'll never use. Maybe it will make coffee in the morning) :but it came with rules.
- This phone will not be sent back
- I will learn to use this phone and I will use it (rather than reverting to another).
- I will like it, or learn to like it, or deal with it.
- In the event I want to kick, whine, or cry about in of the above, I'm to call Mrs. S.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
ParTea Give Away
I love (love!) tea parties. I can only hope to be as good as The ParTea Planner someday. I've had fun trying, however, with several bridal showers, etc. with a couple more this year. Go check out this fun giveaway!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, April 16, 2007
I didn't forget!
The winner is (drum roll please...) KIMBA! Thanks to everyone who played. If you signed up you can have a dollar off of your order if you'd still like to order. For those of you who did order already, I gave you the dollar discount.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, April 16, 2007
I babysat this weekend. They left me home alone with their children and their Girl Scout cookies.
The children were safe. The Girl Scout cookies were not.
The R's came home to find 2/3 of their children awake. Baby C decided to nix the whole schedule (I didn't mind, but J insisted that he had it in writing that she should be alseep) and P, the infamous light sleeper, hadn't been in bed long enough. When O (the dad) came into the den to see J holding C he noted "I knew we should have had another beer." This said just before bundling feet came down the hall and P came into the den. "Or five", noted O. Ha! They crack me up. At least Little O. was asleep, she's been the fit pitcher these days.
It was quite an exciting night for us with a gassy 4 month old (C), a whiny 3 year old (MO) and an energetic 5 year old (P). Oh, and the power outage? That was fun. J was carrying a sleeping MO up the stairs, I had Clare in one hand and P climbed me in the other while holding J's cell phone for light. Just before I put him down for bed we read books by candlelight. When he told his parents about it, he said it was "so romantic." I love those kids.
Also, above events pushed the child bearing time for my husband back to seventeen years. We'd came so far....
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, April 16, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
(More) Recent Projects
First, here are the balloon shades in the master bedroom I've been claiming to do for so long. They're finally finished.

Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Friday, April 13, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Vacation Scrapbook
J and I had such a nice, long, Easter weekend with out wonderful friends. Mrs. A and I have been best friends since the days of big bangs and Paula Abdul lace trim leggings. We see them quite often when I visit my family that lives near them, but they've not been here since our wedding last year. (Ohmygosh! Almost a whole year!)
Here's the cutie patootie Miss Pie helping J cook (he made delicious big breakfasts for everyone the entire visit!). Isn't that a precious little apron she's wearing? It was made by her doting Auntie La La! And I know you're admiring her stainless steel cookware.
Here is the precious little A family at the Zoo. Oh, and a big elephant bum.
And here are a couple of wild things we saw at the zoo. Luckily, they were in cages.
Our day at the zoo was perfect. The weather was great with a jacket and there seemed to be absolutely no one there. Thus, the animals weren't quite afraid and hiding yet. Several of them walked up close, which Pie enjoyed until they were too close. We also saw several animals get treats. Did you know that they give cheetahs frozen blood? Yup, that's their treat. Oh, and the gorilla took a big poop in front of us. Lovely. Here is Pie running up to the elephants when she first saw them.
The evening after the zoo we sent the A's on a date to a great restaurant and with movie tickets. We loved having Pie all evening. Especially my husband. Pie learned super quick that he was wrapped around her finger. Several conversations went like this:
Mommy: No Pie, we're not going to blow bubbles.
Pie: (super sweet to J) J, you wanna blow bubbles?
(pause)It's ok Mommy, J wants to blow bubbles!
We took Pie to a great greenway near our house that has several little parks and playgrounds along the trail. I'm certain she is the only person who can get my 6'2" husband on a slide that is most likely shorter than he is. Darling!
And here she is swinging. I just can't get enough of the pigtails and cheeks!And lastly, J and his little darling. The night the A's left J told me that he already missed Pie. Thus he decided we should have kids sooner than planned. So, in his mind, we'll now have bambinos in 14.5 years, rather than 15.
My heart was so happy that my oldest and dearest friend was able to come visit us. We had such a good time showing them around out town, taking them to the zoo, to the outlets (which by the way were very friendly to me!) and just enjoying their company at home. I can't wait for them to visit again. But we'll see them again next month for Pie's 2nd Birthday Extravaganza! Yes, the prodigy child is not even two years old yet she is fully potty trained, can sing the alphabet, count to 15, and talks so very articulate being as audible as a pre-schooler. Yes, our fabulous niece is a prodigy child! And we're a bragging and proud auntie and uncle.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
More cuteness than you can possibly stand
J and I had a fabulous long weekend with the precious Miss Pie and her lovely parents. However I think we both agree we need a day off from the days off. Now that is how you know you had a good time! Really, I'll be back from hiatus tomorrow. Until then, ooh and ahh over the most adorable child in the entire world.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
I'm so excited about today, and not because I have a gynecologist appointment either. (FYI, those make me want to assume the fetal position and cry. And then eat chocolate just because I can.)
BUT, today is my Friday. AND I have the next 5 days off of work. AND my best friend Mrs. A, her husband, and her adorable little Pie are coming to visit me. J and I are excited to have some time off work and enjoy a few fun things in our town like the zoo and outlet shopping. Not to mention. Have you seen Pie? Precious! Look here too!
Last night I made the most adorable little Easter Basket for her, complete with a little monogrammed apron with ribbon and pom pom trim. I'll take pictures, and you'll all wish you were Pie because you'll want that cute little thing! Oh, and monogrammed ruffly panties. What little girl doesn't want monogrammed ruffly panties? I mean, I might even have some. Maybe. Ok, so I don't, but what if I want some? I just might go make them.
Have a fabulous Easter Weekend!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
An open letter to my fellow Kroger shoppers
Dear Idiots Who Shop At My Market,
You make me miserable. As you see me drive down the pike, every single one of you jump in your cars and follow. This makes Kroger very crowded.
Some of you are really special though. For example, all of you inconsiderate bastards who use your cell phone with one hand and don't bother to steer your cart with the other, thus leaving it in the middle of the aisle while you stand behind it idly chatting away, you really make me say bad words. I'd attempt to be polite and say "excuse me", but you couldn't hear me over your fabulous conversation. Did you like it when I rammed your cart with mine giving you a sweet, yet very pissed off smile, no? That was fun for me.
How about all of you shoppers with kids? Eh, kids? How about the ones with their stupid roller skate shoes. You know what? I'm going to start tripping them. Them I'm going to laugh. I'll probably point when I laugh at your bad-mannered, disrespectful children lying on the floor because they rudely whizzed by me nearly knocking me down when I was trying to pick out a few decent apples.
How about your slutty pre-teen girls? Please, if you allow your child to wear glorified underwear as shorts and a second skin shirt all in shades of light pink, please request that she doesn't wear a black bra for the boobs that are nonexistent. This makes her look like a two dollar hooker. Oh, and she shouldn't bend over in those shorts, fyi!
Lastly, to the woman who exhibited the most dumbassery of the day, the lady with the dog. No, not a seeing eye dog. Not even an annoying toy looking dog shoved in her purse. But a (many expletives here) lab type dog that you very thoughtfully laid a towel out for so you could snuggly put it in the large part of your cart. The market is not a damn pet store. By the way, thanks so much for that look you gave me when I told you that the market was not a damn pet store. I know it was mean, but I was so happy having said that to you, that I didn't care. I'd have insisted the manager make you and your mutt leave (because of all the things I need on my produce, pet dander and fleas are not among them) but I was just ready to leave the whole hellacious, anxiety induced experience and go home that my being snarky to you was satisfaction enough.
With Kind Regards,
Mrs. M
PS* You make me want to throw up a little.
HEY, Don't forget to go here! If you want the chocolate brown or the hot pink, you better hurry. Also, if you sign the linky, you have to link back to be eligible for the drawing.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
A Special Offer
Hair Buttons (1 -7/8") are $6 for the first one, $5 for the second one, and $4 for each additional, all on one order.
You can pick any of the fabrics below, and any of the thread colors to coordinate. You can choose a three letter monogram, or a one letter initial.
Fabrics: chocolate suede, light blue polka dots, black gingham, solid pink, turquoise gingham, pink ginham, confetti.
Threads: (top) orange, hot pink, light pink, lime, yellow, red (bottom) turquoise, blue, khaki, black, magenta, white, silver
Email your orders to lalalollipop (at) gmail (dot) com. Once recieved, I'll send you a paypal invoice.
Also, if you link back to this post and sign the linky below, I'll give you 10% off your total order. Even if you don't order, link and sign the because there will be free Hair Buttons given away! Who doesn't want free monogrammed goodies?
Offer ends Thursday, April 12 and I'll draw the winner(s) then.
Other uses for Hair Buttons: put them on flip flops, add them to bags, decorate lamps, baskets, etc., glue them to a picture frame, pin them to a childs backpack....
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, April 02, 2007
Labels: projects
For Your Entertainment
Saturday morning I received a call from my boyfriend asking me to dye Easter eggs with him. His mother had offered but he was very insistent saying he "only dyes Easter eggs with La La."
J and I went to babysit on Saturday night so we set up shop for some egg dyeing fun. Girlfriend immediately swooned J into going to the market for more eggs.
Boyfriend is obsessed with (you're not going to believe this) rednecks. This kid loves talking about rednecks.
Just a sampling of some of the things out of his mouth, followed by fits of laughter:
As soon as we walk in the door:
"Hey J, you wanna play rednecks?"
When his dad heads down stairs:
"Hey O, bring me a beer!" followed by "that's what a redneck says."
When finishing up the applesauce in his bowl he dove his face in it to lick it clean:
"That's how a redneck eats."
When hearing a loud car go by:
"There goes a redneck."
Out the blue:
"Hey La La, I went into the woods once and I saw mice, rats, and rednecks."
Other fabulous quotes from the evening:
When his parents arrive home his dad opens the fridge to see several cups of Easter egg dye.
"Sweet, La La taught the kids to make jello shots."
Then, Mrs. R asks how Bear (a mere 3 months old) was to which my darling husband responds:
"Oh, she ran around raising hell all night."
Followed by: "She was great! She was held, rocked, kissed, fed, changed, she could only have been better if La La would have given her a boob."
So after Mrs. R and I chatted for quite a bit, it was after midnight when we were on our way home. Suddenly my memory sparked and I realized I'd forgotten my pill that evening. This is how it went:
Me: Ugh! I forgot my pill, remind me to take it as soon as we get home.
J: What? The three kids all night didn't do that for you?
Yes, this is my life.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, April 02, 2007
Labels: babysitting, conversations, j, little ones, quotes
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Time spent in the freezer aisle
I'm not a lucky person, I rarely win anything. However, at a Married Life Today Conference at our church this morning, J and I were chosen for a game of Deal or No Deal. We won a pretty sweet date night package."Howie Mandell" did some good improv and at one point while talking to the "banker" shouted out "Yes, I know know J's head looks better than mine!" We were rather entertained.
Today was rainy and I was planning on finally making the bedroom curtains that I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about. However, J had other plans. So he took me to lunch at a yummy little Italian place and then we went shopping. After his little spree of two hundred bucks, I'd say I get a nice free pass when I head to the outlets when Bex visits this weekend, right? Furthermore, since he bought a nice khaki suit that means that since our anniversary is in 28 days, that he should wear it, and I should play in my wedding dress, and it will be fun. That's totally a rule, right? You play in wedding clothes on your anniversary?
During our shopping I had an overwhelming sweet tooth that just would. not. go. away! J and I stopped by the grocery where I found thin mints! Well, not exactly thin mints bu the store brand of a cookie that tastes exactly like them and were only a dollar! A dollar!! I just may eat thin mints every day for the rest of my life. A dollar! The Girl Scouts should just buy and resell them, they'd make more money that way. So after I nearly tore open the package and ravaged them all right there in the cookie aisle we were on to ice cream. Sadly, the amount of time J and I spent in the ice cream aisle is most definitely more than the time we'll spend name children. After much debate he got strawberry for a milkshake with fresh strawberries at home. I finally (finally) decided on chocolate chip cookie dough. My thoughts? Well, it's kinda like the mint chocolate chip I wanted and I can eat it with the cookies. But I can also throw in in the blender with peanut butter for a peanut butter milkshake and that will be tasty too. I mean pb and chocolate chips and the cookie dough will be like pb cookies. That makes sense, yes? I know I could have totally gone for vanilla and achieved the same desired outcome, but that seemed too easy.
No, I'm not pregnant. At least, not that I know of.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Sunday, April 01, 2007