Vacation Scrapbook
J and I had such a nice, long, Easter weekend with out wonderful friends. Mrs. A and I have been best friends since the days of big bangs and Paula Abdul lace trim leggings. We see them quite often when I visit my family that lives near them, but they've not been here since our wedding last year. (Ohmygosh! Almost a whole year!)
Here's the cutie patootie Miss Pie helping J cook (he made delicious big breakfasts for everyone the entire visit!). Isn't that a precious little apron she's wearing? It was made by her doting Auntie La La! And I know you're admiring her stainless steel cookware.
Here is the precious little A family at the Zoo. Oh, and a big elephant bum.
And here are a couple of wild things we saw at the zoo. Luckily, they were in cages.
Our day at the zoo was perfect. The weather was great with a jacket and there seemed to be absolutely no one there. Thus, the animals weren't quite afraid and hiding yet. Several of them walked up close, which Pie enjoyed until they were too close. We also saw several animals get treats. Did you know that they give cheetahs frozen blood? Yup, that's their treat. Oh, and the gorilla took a big poop in front of us. Lovely. Here is Pie running up to the elephants when she first saw them.
The evening after the zoo we sent the A's on a date to a great restaurant and with movie tickets. We loved having Pie all evening. Especially my husband. Pie learned super quick that he was wrapped around her finger. Several conversations went like this:
Mommy: No Pie, we're not going to blow bubbles.
Pie: (super sweet to J) J, you wanna blow bubbles?
(pause)It's ok Mommy, J wants to blow bubbles!
We took Pie to a great greenway near our house that has several little parks and playgrounds along the trail. I'm certain she is the only person who can get my 6'2" husband on a slide that is most likely shorter than he is. Darling!
And here she is swinging. I just can't get enough of the pigtails and cheeks!And lastly, J and his little darling. The night the A's left J told me that he already missed Pie. Thus he decided we should have kids sooner than planned. So, in his mind, we'll now have bambinos in 14.5 years, rather than 15.
My heart was so happy that my oldest and dearest friend was able to come visit us. We had such a good time showing them around out town, taking them to the zoo, to the outlets (which by the way were very friendly to me!) and just enjoying their company at home. I can't wait for them to visit again. But we'll see them again next month for Pie's 2nd Birthday Extravaganza! Yes, the prodigy child is not even two years old yet she is fully potty trained, can sing the alphabet, count to 15, and talks so very articulate being as audible as a pre-schooler. Yes, our fabulous niece is a prodigy child! And we're a bragging and proud auntie and uncle.
So precious! Thanks for sharing all about your great Easter weekend! And hahaha about now the countdown to baby dropped by 6 14.5 years away still!
P.S. You did a great job on her Apron, and your stainless steel cookware is beautiful too :-)
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