Oops I did it again...
I got a new cell phone. If you remember, that didn't go so well for me the last time. However, this time it was necessary. My current phone, which came over on the Mayflower, will no longer hold a charge or a call. My husband got me this cute little thing (which has features I'm sure I'll never use. Maybe it will make coffee in the morning) :but it came with rules.
- This phone will not be sent back
- I will learn to use this phone and I will use it (rather than reverting to another).
- I will like it, or learn to like it, or deal with it.
- In the event I want to kick, whine, or cry about in of the above, I'm to call Mrs. S.
At least it matches your website! :-)
I want a new cell phone but my phone company thingy said I can't have one til next Feb. Well I can but Honey has to pay for a new one and that cheap ass wont buy me a new one unless mine's broke. OH. Wait a minute here...I think I'm onto somethin'....yours wont charge? Keep droppin' your hubby's calls? Well now....that's just tragic...come to think of it I think I have that exact same problem! So when Honey calls me I'll accidentally hang up on him..viola! new phone. Good lord thank you!
I love the phone!
I recently retired a phone that was born around the time of the trilobites and Bruce finally agreed to replace it for me. He had a new one shipped to me and it has a camera phone and everything but I am slow on learning how to use it. And forget about the Bluetooth headset that he got to go with it. I'm still working on figuring that one out.
Cooool, I like your new phone! Good luck with figuring it out!
I love that phone!!! I just got a pink razor, and then your phone came out:( Figures! The best way to learn is to just play around with it. Good luck!
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