Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Time Wasters

Remember how I told you I got a smartphone? Well I did. It's a brain child I tell you.

It also has fantastic time wasting capabilities.


Seriously I have too much going on to find myself playing yahtzee at random times of the day.

I'm currently up to my eyeballs in orders and trunk shows, I'm preparing for our Spring Break trip, I have a host of other responsibilities for committees I'm on for my sorority alumni and Southern Belle Society as well as church bible studies and volunteer commitments.

And I'm playing yahtzee on my phone.


♥B said...

I have oregon trail and the game of life on mine so I know exactly what you are talking about!

Kas said...

I find this is true with the internet in general. PTL I don't have one of those fancy phones. I'd be useless. :P