Monday, September 22, 2008

And now a word from our sponsor.

So today was my first day of work and I promise to tell you all about it, but first this public service announcement from me.

Tonight I’m hosting a little Mary Kay open house. I signed up to be a consultant last month so that I could get the discount, so basically I’m doing it for personal use. However in order to reach my quarterly minimums of wholesale I’m extending a discount of 25% on all items to everyone. This includes shipping but not tax.

My favorite items are the Timewise Miracle Set, Satin Lips, and Mineral Powder. I love the make-up too! It’s now all completely mineral based and the pigment is fabulous. You can see why I wanted the discount, huh? I’m a junkie!

If you would like any products let me know by Friday 9/26. The order will be placed on Monday.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Jenny said...

Oh, I'll go take a look! Hope your first day went well, I can't wait to hear all about it!

Kas said...

Bah. I wish I had some extra cash. :( But alas, I do not.

I hope you are loving your new job! I can't wait to hear about it!

Emily said...

Mrs. M, sure hope your OK.... you haven't posted in forever!!!!

Southern Belle said...

Well...the eye primer is to die for...I wore it to work yesterday. For 12+ hours running a 1.7 million square feet warehouse in which I was running like a chicken with my head cut off. By the end of the day I still had eye make up and not just eye liner in my crease! YEAH!!!!

Rusti said...

Wish I had some cash too!! Congrats and good luck with the new job lady!! And have fun with the Mary Kay! :)

I've been away for so long, I need to catch up on what you've been doing!!

♥B said...

Where did you go? I miss reading!

Destination Beautiful said...

Yay for Mary Kay! We're mary kay sisters...

only I'm more like the pesky stepsister that always gets on your nerves because I sell mostly for myself and not for others.

Hey- at least we're sisters... :)

I hope your open house went great!

Destination Beautiful said...

Yay for Mary Kay! We're mary kay sisters...

only I'm more like the pesky stepsister that always gets on your nerves because I sell mostly for myself and not for others.

Hey- at least we're sisters... :)

I hope your open house went great!

Platinum Rose said...

I hope you're doing ok! Haven't heard from you in a really long time...thinking about you!

Alicia said...

HEY! If I'm back in bloggyland from my unannounced hiatus, then you should be too! :-)

Hope your doing well!

Emily said...

Just checking on you again Mrs. M. Sure have missed your posts. Hope your doing ok.

Kas said...

Hey Mrs. M!!! I miss hearing about your fabulous life, but I know you must be very busy right now. I hope that everything is going ok for you guys, and that you can return soon to update us!! :D