Things of which I'm not ashamed
I--who is lover of all things wholesome, organic, natural, healthy, fiber rich and vitamin laced--am currently addicted to Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Ok, actually I'm currently addicted to the Kroger Cinnamon Swirls which are only $2.11 and the best two dollars and eleven cents I spent at the grocery store. I've had two bowls of this stuff a day and it's my new crack. In my defense the box says it's made with whole wheat. I'm sure this isn't much sugar in it, well at least not more sugar than you'd find in a birthday cake, right?
This weekend I downloaded the complete collection of New Kids on the Block for the Lalapod. Don't look at me that way! How will I ever be able to recite every single word at the concert I plan to attend if I don't brush up? Well, not that I ever forgot because I am a true fan I tell you. I can even do the dances. Oh yes I can! If you need me, I'll be hangin' tough over here.
I LOVE Cinnamon Toast Crunch. And I'll be the first to tell ya the generic cereals taste the same. But since I have sworn off high fructose corn syrup, I've only been eating Scooters and Honey Nut Scooters (Cheerios). Although, technically I didn't check to see if Cinnamon Toast Crunch actually has HFCS..hmmmmm....
I heard the new NKOTB song on the radio yesterday. I swooned in my car. Then the DJ mentioned that the closest the tour is coming to here is Dallas. Ugh. Thats like, a whole other WORLD away. Boo.
You will not get any strange looks from me - I want to go to. NKOTB ROCKS!!
You will not get any strange looks from me - I want to go too. NKOTB ROCKS!!
Oh wow, you're too funny! NKOTB were my favorite back in the day. I hope the have success coming back again! I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch, too!
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