Thursday, May 29, 2008


The boy is ours until July 10 when the real hearing is. Apparently this hearing was fake. Hmph! We weren't informed that there would be a preliminary hearing then another hearing whatever it might be called.

I have complete faith that God did not orchestrate these events to undo it all on the July 10 so it will work out for us. Keep praying for us though. It's quite a transition from cool big sister to cool big sister and "mom" so to speak. Pray for brother's strenght. He's done so well and I know it's hard for him.

I promise to catch up on details later but right now I'm exhausted. I do have to brag on my fabulous husband though. He's totally stepped up to the plate and taken on a dad role. He's definately taking care of brother and treating him like a child. Geesh--he's starting an education account as we speak. He said he has to save in four years what most people save in eighteen years. I'm really enjoying seeing them be able to form a relationship. The two guys I love most are with me! Even in the hard times this will be beautiful.

Thanks for thinking of us.


Kristen Miller said...

I'm so happy for you guys. I'm tearing up right now. Congratulations! You're absolutely right...don't worry about July 10th, this has happened for a reason. You and DH are beautiful people. This is a burden that so many people wouldn't be willing to take on. It's so fabulous to see. You will continue to be in my prayers.

Kas said...

Oh congratulations! This is fantastic news, and I know that things are falling into place just as they should be. I couldn't be happier for you guys. And I'm definitely still praying for all of you. I hope that your little brother is adjusting well and is truly happier now.

Alicia said...

I am SO happy and relieved to hear that your lil bro is with you now and in the care of two wonderful people! I'll be praying that all will work out in July 10th! NOW you can teach the boy some serious bargain shopping techniques and your great southern belle ways!!!!! ;-)

Alicia said...

I am SO happy and relieved to hear that your lil bro is with you now and in the care of two wonderful people! I'll be praying that all will work out in July 10th! NOW you can teach the boy some serious bargain shopping techniques and your great southern belle ways!!!!! ;-)

Alicia said...

I am SO happy and relieved to hear that your lil bro is with you now and in the care of two wonderful people! I'll be praying that all will work out in July 10th! NOW you can teach the boy some serious bargain shopping techniques and your great southern belle ways!!!!! ;-)

Zoe D. said...

YAY! What great news!! It looks like everything is working out:)

Southern Belle said...

Love you Mrs.M!!!!

Michelle said...

Well, a little prayer goes a long way!! That is wonderful news! Don't worry about July 10th; it has to work out.
Your husband sounds like a wonderful man. You and your little brother are lucky to have him.
You all will remain in my prayers...

♥B said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I can't imagine what you are going thru.

Platinum Rose said...

CONGRATULATIONS on winning your court date and temporary custody! I hope that all goes well in July, too. And wow, I am so proud of what you and your husband are doing for your brother. Looking forward to finding out more about this whole scenario when you get less exhausted. Wishing all of you the best!