Two years ago today I married my best friend. There were hundreds of people gathered at lovely state park and there were beautiful flowers everywhere, but I only saw one thing: my groom. He makes me laugh every day. I have fun with him. He has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. He is sweet, loving, kind, helpful, smart, and obviously sexy! He takes care of me, protects me, encourages me, and loves me unconditionally.
Two whole years. It could only be better if were 200.
You're more than a lover
There could never be another
To make me feel the way you do
And oh we just get closer
I fall in love all over
Every time I look at you
I don't know where I'd be
Without you here with me
Life with you makes perfect sense
You're my best friend.
(Tim McGraw, My Best Friend)
Happy Anniversary Crabcake. Cheers!
Happy Annivesary sweetie!!!!!!!
How time flies when you are having fun!!! I was looking at pics and almost started crying what a happt time that day was!!!! CONGRATS on two years, and let there be 200 more, and may J be a STRONG man because his life will never be boring with you!!!
happy anniversary! i hope you guys had a great day!
Happy belated anniversary Mrs & Mr M!! I hope you celebrated with wine - you did right? :)
Happy anniversary! Have a great time!
Happy Belated Anniversary to you both!So, what did you decide on as gifts? Matching pairs of 100% cotton thongs? ;)
Happy Anniversary, late:( That's mine and Adam's song too:) It perfectly describes us:) Love it! I hope you guys had a good time!
Happy belated 2 year anniversary!!!
Happy Belated Anniversary to you both!
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