Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Switch it. Change it. Rearrange it.

I think I just might make some changes around here and jump ship. I’ve went through all of my old entries via keywords and searching to change names, places, etc. so that I feel I’ve sufficiently protected the privacy of myself, my family, and my friends and now can return to a public blog like the hussy I am! I have a family friendly blog that, go figure, I share with our family and friends, with real names and not nearly as fun stories as it’s totally PG. I just can’t tell them everything I tell you Internet. Nosiree. We have secrets between the two of us.

I’ve decided I’d like to be a public hussy under a new pseudonym rather than The Mrs. M, bless her heart. Since this blog address was once published among the ranks of those who know me I feel The Mrs. M can only be a half-way hussy in a public world and well, what fun is a half-way hussy? None at all I’ll tell ya!

I’ve pondered and pondered a new name and although I have a few ideas, I thought I’d ask the experts. That’s you!

So if you were to name me oh wise Internets, what would you name me? My blog reflects a wide spectrum of topics from being a Southern Belle, to my love for all things pink and frilly and girly, to how I could be perfectly happy on a lifelong diet of wine and cheese (and green beans and brownies), to how I’d monogram the world and make it a better place because that would totally work, to being too crafty for my own good, to hypothetically tinkling in my pants but literally tinkling on my pants, and now, the half-way hussy.

So basically, I’ve got more personalities than a three-ring circus.

What do you name one as complex yet as simple as I?


Anonymous said...

Oh! How to choose, when you ARE Mrs. M?

Kristen Miller said...

I'm sorry...this responsibility is far too great for me to handle. If it's multiple choice I'll vote...other than that I've got nothing.

Unless you like Frilled Cheese. HaHa sorry I just saw those two words and my brain melded them together.

Jenny said...

Hmm, what a good question? I'll ponder...

Alicia said...

pondering with Jenny......

girl from the south said...

I'll have to call you with my suggestions. :)

That just opened the door to way too many possibilities. Hehehe!