Monday, February 18, 2008

The most exciting part of our weekend.

Oh Internets, we didn’t something great this weekend! Do you want to guess what it was? Sure you do so here we go.

Friday night J’s parents came to town and took us to dinner at one of our very favorite restaurants and also brought us loads of candy, dark chocolate, homemade and baked goods.

Was this the most exciting part of our weekend?


Saturday night we were guests of a fabulous wedding that I’m estimating has a price tag pushing 40 grand. The ceremony was in a cute little chapel of a very large local church and the reception was at one of the swankiest country clubs in town. And MyTown has a lot of country clubs considering it’s not that large. This could be my favorite local reception site. And you know what was at the reception? An open bar. All night! Oh the delight of the wine tasting that evening. There was a live band. There were butler passed hors devours. There was some scrumptious food and not to mention the largest display and variety of cubed cheeses I’d ever seen. You know how much I love my cheese! There was also a candy bar. As in dozens of jars filled with all types of candies from m&ms, jelly beans, red hots, Hershey kisses, skittles, gumballs, etc. In a basket were cute little candy sacks with the couples monogram. And we were allowed to take one of those darling little candy sacks and fill up to our little hearts delight! I felt like one of those kids in the old school version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Remember where they all run in the candy shop and he’s singing the “Candy Man” song and throwing all sorts of goodies at them and they’re all reaching in jars…….

Was this the most exciting part of our weekend?


After much debate and search J and I found the perfect area rug for our den. It also happened to be half off! You know how a good deal makes me tinkle in my pants a bit. (Check out The Bargainista this week for full details!)

Was this the most exciting part of our weekend?


I found the perfect color combination of paisley on some cute little storage bins for our bedside in my master bedroom redo. I love me some paisley and this was the perfect compliment to the other patterns and colors and also wasn’t too much that Hubs wanted to vomit. These fabulous little ditties had been marked down from $16.99 to only $6.79 each! (These will be featured on The Bargainista as well!).

Was this the most exciting part of our weekend?


Sunday J and I tried out a new church. Our current/previous church is fabulous, really it is. The pastors, worship, and services are amazing. We were also part of a great Sunday school class full of about 50 other couples who had been married for about 5 or less years. That said, we just weren’t feeling it lately. We didn’t have the time and schedule to fit into a small group and that is nearly the only option for breaking things down on a more personal level. Lucky for us, we live on Holy Road and have a handful of very large and nice churches to choose from. There are two we planned on trying and the first was a very charming church on the corner that has a large playground, which to me says lots of programs, activities, and family things, and also a full sized gym to which I’d been in for a craft fair. The website was great and seemed to have plenty going on so we tried it out, a little skeptical as it’s a denomination that neither of us is accustomed to, but it was great. Hubs and I both really enjoyed it and the people were very nice and friendly. It was rather large, but still only about a quarter of the church we came from. Everyone seemed to spot us as new people. With Hubs being 6 foot three and bald, he stands out in a crowd. We’re going to return next week and try out Sunday school. Also, they have Wednesday night connection activities in which there is dinner served. Mmm! Mmm! There is nothing better than church lady food. Unfortunately we probably won’t get to attend very often with work schedules. This church is the same proximity from our house as the former one (about 2 miles) and we still plan to attend special events at the former, such as the Marriage Conference coming up in March.

Was this the most exciting part of our weekend?


After church we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch. It had been a whole two weeks since we’d been there and they were beginning to worry about us. Not to mention concern for their margarita sales! We both branched out and explored new menu options and both were delightful. The staff had a little party and did a little dance they’d missed us so much. I think tears were shed by all parties.

Was this the most exciting part of our weekend?


J and I finally bought a brand-spanking-new broom, with fancy matching super duper dust pan no less, since we were using the reject that Addy gave me when we moved out of the Historic WC because it wasn’t worth her packing and moving as it kinda sucked then so it really sucked now, nearly four years later. (Ohmygoodness how has it been four years?).


That was the most exciting part of our weekend. It really is the little things.


Alicia said...

omg....I totally got one of those Swiffer vaccum thingys for hard wood and tile floors......T'was the highlight of my weekend!

Platinum Rose said...

Hahaha, what a fun post to read! I can't believe that after all the neat stuff you did this weekend, getting a new broom was your favorite part! WHAT?!?!?!? That wedding sounded amazing!

girl from the south said...

You seriously kept that broom for so long? I think I bought it when I lived in Andy Holt. That puts the broom at like 5-6 years old.


Can you hear my panic attack from 500 miles away?

Kristen Miller said...

That sounds like a particularly fabulous weekend. I bet the broom was just the icing on the cake.