The Lent Season
Well looky here, the Lent season is upon us (I hope you all enjoyed Fat Tuesday). I’ve been contemplating what to do for Lent since the beginning of January and have yet to come up with anything. I thought of giving up my mid-day Diet Coke, but that would be suffering for the rest of the world as much as it would me and well, that’s just not fair. I thought of giving up meat and being a vegetarian through the Lent season. I think this would be easy and difficult at the same time. I can often do without meat and find myself having just veggies and pasta. That said, I think restricting it could be a challenge because then of course I'd suddenly want it. It would also be sucky to still cook said meats for dinner since I know my carnivorous husband will not be giving up his meat.
Then again, Lent isn’t supposed to be easy. Why is that I always think of food items? I could give up television, but I don’t watch enough for that to be applicable. Maybe I should give up cooking and housecleaning? That would make for a nice relaxing and lazy Lent season. I'd definately have time to get my online store going quicker.
Does anyone else participate in Lent? Any thoughts or ideas from the peanut gallery out there? Also, is it ok to have what you gave up on Sundays during the Lent season? I’ve had mixed reviews on that and could use some clarification.
i used to try to participate in lent...but, i usually only last a day or 2 at the most giving up whatever it was that i gave up.
Well, I've never participated in the whole Lent thing, but this year I decided I need to. Not only because I feel it could really improve my relationship with God, but because we are out. of. control. I'm giving up eating out (two exceptions: family dinners and V-day). We seriously spent almost $200 last week eating out. And since we are both full time students, everyone knows we do NOT have that kind of money! LOL I think that it is not only something I NEED to do for our financial sake, but it will make me a better wife to my husband (making homemade meals more often) and help us eat better as well.
Also, I'm not having what I gave up on Sundays. That just seems like a cruel joke to me, especially if you give up something like chocolate or sweets! I would rather just make it until Easter and not have the temptation! Plus, Jesus didn't get to go back to town once a week while he spent his 40 days in the desert right? :P
Good point, Jesus didn't get Sundays off! By the way--I decided I'd give up soda. It's day 2 and I'm definately praying more already! :)
We're so on the same page. LOL!
I thought about participating a few times, but never committed to it. My coworker does every year "religiously" (no pun intended hahaha), and gives up all sweets, desserts, etc. I think I'd die doing that! More power to you if you do decide to participate!
haha You can do it Mrs. M!! I gave up sodas long ago (not for Lent, just for health reasons) and now I think they all taste yucky! Except for Root Beer. That is still a tasty treat, but not an everyday treat!
I was going to try to participate in lent this year...and give up processed sugars/sweets. Well, then, I guess I forgot. But you are right, it is usally easier to give up foods, that is the first thing that comes to mind. I think the main goal behind it, is sacrafice. Sacrafice something that is controlling you or your life so that you have a feeling of what Jesus went through. And instead of doing that "thing", pray or spend time with God instead. The other idea...add something to your life, like reading the bible or a good Christian book. The focus is to be on Jesus and God and His sacrafices.
I think it is a good practice, if you understand the real meaning behind it and just don't "give up" something because.
Good for you that you are thinking about it...hope it goes well!!
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