How can you not just pull them out of the picture, cover them in chocolate, and eat them right up with a side of ice cream? By far the cutest kids ever, not that I'm biased. Oh, and I made that totally cool big sister shirt that Pie is wearing because I'm a rockin' good Auntie La La like that!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
So cute! And you certainly have talent making that shirt! Congrats to your friends on their new baby, I assume! Looks really young!
Very sweet!! Thanks for the comment. I think we would have a TON in common. I mean you love Target, I love target, you went to UT for communications, and so did I! J is in logistics, Adam is too!!! Beer and wine for EVERYONE!
Oh they're so stinkin' adorable! That shirt is pretty rockin too. I wouldn't expect any less. ;)
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