The Christmas Letter
Does anyone else send out a Christmas Letter? You know, a letter in your Christmas Card telling what your family has done throughout the year and wishing the recipient a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year?
J and I send a Christmas Letter and I really enjoy it. I was debating doing a Christmas Letter this year for a variety of reasons, but good gosh I like it! I may not send the letter to everyone since I have friends and family I talk to on a very regular basis. However for those who we are unable to visit with or speak with often, I'm going to include it.
Mostly it seems that people with children send Christmas Letters, but I think young adults whether single or married should send them as well. I know J and I have had a big year--he started school, we celebrated our first wedding anniversary, we adopted Mack, I got a new job, we took a fun vacation, two of my closest friends got married, etc. I know several of my friends have had similar accomplishments and it's fun to hear about them.
I think sending a Christmas Letter is very fun and a personal touch, even if they are mass produced via being printed. I use cute paper and also include our family portrait Christmas Card. I think it's fun and festive and adds to the magic and excitement of Christmas.
Speaking of family portrait Christmas Cards, who does that? Oooooh those are my favorite! Do you send those? Do you send cards at all?
Who else enjoys Christmas Letters? Do you send them? Do you want to send them? Are you going to start sending them? Oh, and will I get one?
We probably should send a letter, but I just never get around to it. Plus, I really don't know that I could fill up a full sheet of paper with what we have been up to! LOL I do have a great idea for a Christmas card with a pic of Tom and I on it...but we'll see if it works out like I want. Last year, I had this great idea to get a picture of our cats with reindeer antlers, but the cat antlers from PetSmart didn't fit my cats!! Plus, they were pretty upset about them being on. :)
I'll probably do some ecards this year along with my regular ones as well, for all my bloggy friends (since I don't have hardly anyone's address!). That is, as long as my idea pans out!
If we have been on a vacation or have a really good photo of the two of us, I get one made into photo cards, that way the family and friends that we don't get to see often can see what life has thrown us and how we are gracefully aging :)
I don't usually do a letter, as I don't have that much to say and mine would be a postcard :)
I do enjoy getting letters and photos from others, to see what life has thrown them the past year.I had an idea for this year's card, and as soon as my SIL had her tree up last weekend, Dave and I went over for our photo. I have them back and they are ready for mailing, just gotta do in now. I had the verse stuck in my head, just had to get the pics to go with it!! I think they turned out super cute, Dave on the other hand wasn't so sure (guys!)
As it gets closer to Christmas, I willtry to get one posted.
I think Christmas letters are a neat idea, but we don't really have enough to write to put into one. Plus my husband thinks they are a silly idea, he thinks that the people in our lives that would care about what's in the letter should already know everything anyway, and those that don't know already, probably wouldn't care to read it. Anyway, yes I do think they are cool, but I am too time-crunched and uninteresting to write one up!
We don't send a Christmas letter, but I LOVE to receive them. I love getting Christmas cards, but "card with signature" is bottom of the list. Top of list is the "packet" type: pretty card, little handwritten note (just a couple of sentences), Christmas letter, and photo. Squeeetacular.
We send card with little handwritten note, plus photo. I'm working my way up to the "packet" type card.
Some Christmas letters can get REALLY EYE-ROLLY, but those are just as fun.
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