Friday, September 21, 2007


Well dear Internet, I'm happy to announce that gambling earnings for hubs and I this week are in the triple digits! I was the big winner at Bunco last night bringing home a pocket of cash. I was also tied for the most Buncos, but lost that prize in what we termed as a Bunc-off! It was a door prize, not a cash prize. Anyway, I'm taking myself to the Clinique counter for bonus time with my earnings. I'll post about that later.

P.S. Hubs and I aren't like big, bad gambling people, really! We're not standing over a craps game with pistols in our pockets, we totally quit that last year! But seriously--we're not those people--I promise! It's small stakes and small winnings, but gives me such joy to talk about as I can see our families being aghast at our yuppy ways!


Kas said...

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... You know, they say denial is the first sign of addiction! :) Congrats on the win! Have fun spending your cash.

CG said...

Don't you love when you win big that night? It's been a long time since I've won big or won anything for that matter. It's o.k. though I just love playing!