The Motherload
I normally don't do complete weekend updates, but due to all of the excitement that was my weekend, I'll do it anyway.
Remember that nasty allergy test? It sucked! I had 151 pricks on my back and then 15 shots in the arm--both arms! And as an added bonus I get to go back three times a week for allergy shots. Oh, and I'm allergic to the pooch. Go figure. But don't worry, I won't be leaving Mr. M over it, which would be the only option for me being away from pooch since I know that come hell or high water, he'll be keeping his pooch.

I'm not an animal print kinda girl, but I do love these shoes. It's just enough punch without being tacky. The straps are suede and the heel is patent. It's rather cute. I've been wanting some leopard shoes because Allie has some and does such cute things with them. Last month, I found a pair of peep-toed heels (also at Tar-jay) in a leopard print for only $7.48. I brought them home to love them forever but they were a half size too small and my piggies looked like pepperoni's in them. Boo! They're is another pair of small wedge peep-toed leopard print (also Tar-jay) that I need. Yes, need. They're currently $12. We know I don't pay $12 for shoes, so when they discount to a satisfactory amount, I'll be purchasing them. Normally I stick to a one-in, one-out rule so that I don't crowd my wardrobe and be sure I'm actually wearing the things I have. In light of recent shoe finds, I've chucked that rule.

The picture isn't that great but they're a chocolate brown with button accented pockets and a cute split in the back. Get ready for this: they were originally $44 and marked down along with an additional 40% off. I paid a mere $15 (yes, fifteen dollars!). I also bought these for $15:

The didn't have them in petite so the length is a little funny on me. However, I cuffed them up and they looked great. It made them a more city shorts look and not such a wide leg. I'm going to hem them a couple of inches this week so that I can wear them this weekend while we're getting ready for the wedding.
Other great finds there included a cute white skirt with a black paisley-esque print on it. I couldn't find a picture of it. I think it had been $54, was marked down, and then an additional 40% off. My final price? $9.00! Nine dollars! Repeat: nine dollars! I also found a cute red scoop neck shirt. I've been looking for a casual red shirt and this fit the bill. It was also 40% off. I left the store spending only around $50 for everything above. I think the red shirt will look cute with the skirt and these red shoes. I do believe that will be my outfit for the bridesmaid luncheon.
I've decided it's imperative that I start a bargain blog. I've registered a name, I just need a fun banner and tagline. Any suggestions?
I need you to take me shopping. Seriously. I get lucky every once in a while, but it is rare that I find as good of deals as you do!
Looks like you guys had loads of fun at the party. :)
Your new blog, Bargain Beauty!
I'm amazed at the deals you find. I need to come shopping with you, please??
You are my kind of SHOPPER!!!! THere is a new Tarjay near my house AND office. It's like retail heaven. 'bout Retail Therapy?
Not sure about the banner...hmmm let me think on that one.
p.s. I LOVE those shoes...may have to go to Tarjay tomorrow.
Once rock with the bargains! I wish you could've gone with me when my Mom took me shopping the other day.
You seriously should start a bargain blog, but since we don't know your first name I can't suggest anything. Mrs. M's Closet? Hmmm. No. I'll sleep on it and get back to you.
I never can find anything to fit me in our Tar-jay. I need to come shopping at yours. LOL.
Love the new sandals!!
You and I are alike in SO many ways....the biggest? Our bargain hunting, lol. Can't wait to read the bargain blog! I will definitely be an avid commenter! :-)
I swear girl, you find the best deals.
Although, I have to brag on myself. I got a cute jean skirt & 2 pairs of shorts at Old Navy for $7.50. Yes, that's a $1.97 for each item I bought. I was proud.
Oh, I forgot to say that I'm glad you had fun at your friend's party. And, it's ok that you had 10 margarita's. I won't tell. :0)
Robin--that's awesome! We'll have to team up for some bargain shopping! it possible to consume 10 magaritas and not die? ;)Woah...were they weak or maybe small? After one I'm good to go...two and I'm sloppy. Kudos Mrs. M, that's impressive. Looks like such a fun party too. You sure did a great job!
okay - did I say I was jealous? I meant SERIOUSLY JEALOUS! Take me shopping! I'll do whatever you want if only you take me with you!! :)
10 margarita's?? That's funny!
Thanks signing up for my giveaway!
You never know, you may win another one!
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