Monday, July 02, 2007

A Date to the Zoo

On Saturday morning J and I took our little boyfriend and girlfriend on a date to the zoo. Do you know how much I love these kids? I was their nanny in college since boyfriend was 9 months old, he's going to be six this year (real tears!). Girlfriend has been with me since she was born and new baby sister (6 months) as well. Their mom (and dad) loves when we take them on dates. She gets a day off and the zoo is a little harder for them now with new baby sister too. J and I love spending time with them and spoiling them as much as possible. Do you not just want to gobble them up in one big bite? J often reminds me that we can retire early and have a lake and mountain house as well as a condo at the beach if we just keep spoiling these kids and don't really have our own. Plus, we don't have to worry about their college funds. That J--what a thinker! I do love seeing him with them. I know he's going to be a rockin' dad when we choose to reproduce. Enjoy the pictures of our wonderful day!

Kiddos love them some J, can you blame them:

So stinking cute I just can't stand it. I hope my kids are this adorable:

Caged Animals:Ride, ride, ride, hitchin' a ride:
"Pwease Wa Wa? Can we wide da cam-ool PWEASE?"
(La La was putting them off, J gave in!)

Egypt is beautiful! Wish you were here:
And last but not least because when I'm slightly crass and found such humor in this that I still cackle over it.....



Mrs. S got a live camel toes pictures message on Saturday. She thoroughly enjoyed. As I continued to cackle the kids started wondering, "Wa Wa, why do you like camel toes? Why do you keep talking about camel toes?" I'm sure their parents are going to appreciate explaining that one.


Emily said...

Ha! Love the last picture. Thats to funny.

Those children are adorable too. Looks like everyone had a great time!

Platinum Rose said...

Looks like you had a great time! And I know their Mom was grateful for a little break, especially with a 3rd new addition!

Jenny said...

You are too, too funny Mrs. M! The zoo (and the children) looked like so much fun!

Cherie said...

Lol, we didn't see any camel toes on our zoo excursion. :( Oh well, you got that one covered for me.
Cute kids! Glad you had a good time!