Casual Friday
Go Big Red! Certainly if this and this didn't land me in HR, then this little ditty above should be no problem for "Casual Friday", no? Hope the picture made true on it's promises. Also a big, fat thank you to those who helped. I'll have a grand winner next week. Oh, and this picture may disappear soon because I can only stand so much embarrassment of my stuffing myself in a size 7 cheerleading uniform that I wore ten years ago.
While cleaning out my childhood trunk last weekend, I found one of my high school cheerleading uniforms. (Yes, I was a cheerleader, for thirteen years, shut up!) I should have totally went all clad with the bloomers, pom poms, and shoes (all of which I still have) but I'll spare you. Let's just say that once I finally wedged the skirt on, I wasn't sure how I was getting it off. I finally decided my boobs were more malleable than my birthing hips and ghetto booty, so up and over it went stuffing down one twin peak at a time. Awesome, I know! Who wants to hang out with me? On another note you may be disheartened to know that my case of tapes didn't make the cut. So goodbye to Boyz II Men, All For One, and Mariah Carey Unplugged among about two dozen others.
All of this cleaning out started when we hubs and I thought we might move. A big move. As in another state in another time zone. While it would have been nice because he'd be making bank and I wouldn't have to work, and I'd get a hefty discount at a very nice upscale retail establishment that sells home and kitchen goodies (ahem, get my drift!), he instead received the raise and promotion at his current gig which suits us fine. We're happy here. (And I'll continue to work in media hell with awesome benefits.) Anyway, we moved forward with the cleaning out and had a garage sale. Let me tell you Internet, people will buy anything!
Speaking of hubs fancy new job, he's jet setting all over the place. Today he is in Dallas. He left before God awoke this morning and will be back about 7:30 tonight. That gives me plenty of shopping time. I. simply. must. go. shopping. For several reasons actually.
- Hubs is out of town, well for the day and I will be doing the shopping while he is gone.
- I need to run errands for the party tomorrow.
- I won bunco again last night! Woot! The gambling cash is burning a hole in my pocket.
- I have to go to the allergy doctor today where I think they are going to give me the million needles on the back test and for that I will need retail therapy.
Hopefully I'll come back with some bargains to brag about and make you all proud. I mean, I wouldn't' want this trip to be in vain.
I think it's the morterboard that makes the outfit. Enjoy this weekend.
Haha I love going through all my old stuff. Once, I tried to try on my very first bridesmaid dress.... I was not as sucessful as you were with your cheerleading outfit! Have fun shopping! You will definitely deserve it after have the back scratch test. I had that done as a child and it was very traumatic. I'm hoping for your sake it won't be so traumatic for an adult! :)
Go Chiefs! LOL. I love it...I'm so glad that you always keep your internet promises even though there is no way that any of us can inforce them. You're truly a woman of her word. ;)
Have fun shopping and a great weekend!
I love the cheerleading uniform! Brings back memories of my own cheering escapades :) Congrats on selling stuff at your garage sale, your hubs' raise & promotion, and of course your latest reasons for needing to shop! Good luck at the allergy doctor - I hope it's as pain & hassle free as possible! I hope you have a fantabulous weekend!
OMG, thank you for that photo! I should apologize now becuase yes I did laugh! The cap just tops off the outfit, good idea!
Thanks for sharing your B-party ideas as well, you're so crafty and creative! I hope all goes well on Saturday and it sounds like you've got everything covered. Have an awesome time, and a drink for me!
Good luck at the doctor's and retail therapy. I'm wishing for great outcomes on both accounts.
That is so stinkin' funny. You got rid of Boyz II Men? You're killing me! :)
I loved your party posts this week- you are such a great hostess. Quit your job and do that full time.
DANG IT! MY boss totally walked in while I was staring at your blog. I think your "awesomeness" is rubbing off on me.
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