PART ONE: My Husband Thinks I'm a Pack Mule
See this lovely pile of dead trees, brush, and vines? They were all cut from the perimeter of our back yard. Then they were strapped together. Then they were pulled up the hill. By me. (
Ok, J did some (a lot, most) of it, but still! Do you know what he said to me? "Turn around, now put this over your shoulder. Now pull, it's easier!" I think the neighbors watched for entertainment. At least the edge of our back yard looks pretty now. (Not that any one else on the street cares about their yards.)

Part Two: Sorority Alumni Spring Cocktail
Saturday night was also the Spring Cocktail for my sorority alumni group. We had our party at the
Regas, a very old and fancy
pancy restaurant in town. It's a very nice and elegant place to have such an event. The cocktail hour and dinner were both fabulous. J and Mr. S managed to make sure it was "
rednecked up" just a bit. Perhaps that is why A and I fell in love with them. Can I just say that my husband's wit was on this weekend? He didn't miss a beat with anything he said.

For example, Mrs. H's (3rd from left) husband was unable to attend due to his work schedule this weekend. I shared J with her since he and Mr. H are nearly clones. I think she felt as if he were there. Especially when he made the endearing comment (to the host/waiter) "No, we're looking for her a date. Don't worry, you're off the hook, we met your wife on the way in." Yeah, he was cut off from blue moon after that.

Here are some of my favorite girls and there husbands: Mr. and Mrs. S and Mr. and Mrs. Y.

Again with Mrs. S and Mrs. Y. I adore these lovely ladies. (Yes, Mrs. S looks different without the
margarita glass in front of her.)
J and I before we left. We clean up
ok, especially after the morning of being a pack mule! And I did got a bit fancy on the hair, but I used this as an opportunity to practice for a couple of weddings I'm in this summer and fall. Not shabby for about 15 minutes, and it held all night. After the party we continued our own patio cocktail by building a fire (with cake, ice cream, wine, beer, and Jack Daniels. Mrs. S will not have a party without her old friend Jack!) with the S's and Y's until the wee hours of the morning.
Sounds like a great evening with friends. It's always fun to get dressed up and go out every once in a while. :)
You're beautiful! It looks like you have so much fun, all the time.
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