Pinchable Cheeks, Next 2 Miles
This is Isaac and Luke. I know, I know. You want to gobble them up all in one bite!
I wish you could have seen the boys with their cute little plaid button down shirts on with their outfits. It was adorable. However some soccer playing in the back yard with my husband left them quite hot. I mean, it was nearly 80 degrees outside. What's up with that? It's just March. And because it is just march, I refuse to run the AC or wear shorts and tank tops. It's one of my own little issues, but I stand by it. Here are more delicious pictures: 

It was so nice to have a relaxing visit, the whole weekend was actually much like that. It felt long and lazy and I really needed it. J and I did work on giving a fresh coat of Rustoleom (TM) to our wrought iron patio furniture. I inhaled half of the paint apparently and had black snot and boogers. You wanted to know, right?
Hmm, oh J took me on an ice cream date. To a place called Mr. Frosty. It's two trailers. In the middle of a gravel lot. With a cow on top. And it is absolutely delcious!
How cute are they! Oh I am so jealous you got to see them :( Did i mention how hard it is to be away from friends and family?
Their so cute!
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