Our precious neice Pie! Yes, I know she tops the list of the cutest kids you've ever seen! Her Auntie La La and Uncle J aren't bad either!
1. Which ornaments should I choose?
2. Oooh, distracted by something shiny! This happens to Uncle J too, he's really my favorite!
3. Yeah, I'm too stinking cute!

4. Just decorating the tree, that's all.

5. Hey, I said I was just decorating!

6. See, sweet and innocent, decorating the tree.

7. Get this shot, it's my best side!
8. Look, I'm cooperating nicely, does Uncle J still have that popscicle?

9. Keep telling me how beautiful I am, and I'll keep smiling!

10. Wonder if they'll miss this shiny one....
11. And as an added bonus, check out the cute little family!

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