Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I had Monday off of work. I wasn't sure where to even start with my day full of glorious time. I, of course, had a list of things I would accomplish and was ready to go bright and early. I even woke up and made coffee for my husband before he went to work.

However, my plans changed. An unexpected trip to the pharmacy and other errands popped up that ruined my morning of cleaning. (Yes, I know, weird party of one, I like to clean!) Onto my afternoon projects, I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I'd anticipated. An evening event came up that forced me to forego the remainder of my to do list.

Geesh! All that open time and I barely had anything to show for it.

However, I realized with days and days of that open window of time, I could really have something good going. I never thought I'd be a stay-at-home-mom, but I'm rethinking the whole thing. Sahm I am? Hmmm, not sure if it's for me, but I so enjoyed getting up and dressed with a full day of time ahead for me to conquer. Maybe I could be a stay-at-home-wife and go back to work when we have kids, I'm sure they'd get in the way of my productivity anyway. I suppose I should wait until my husband gets his MBA to pursue such an option since we do enjoy eating.

Another thing I learned on my day off is that I. Must. Learn. To. Calm. Down! and Relax! I'm a very uptight, rigid, type-A, control freak that always has an agenda. Although I didn't accomplish world peace yesterday (dang it!), I did accomplish errands and a big dent in a project I've been working on. Things that would have taken me all week otherwise. But at the end of the day, I was stressed out over all the things I didn't get done...and for what? There is not reason to be more stressed at home than at work! So, I think I'm feeling better about it.

What I'm not feeling better about is the mess on the dining table from the ongoing project I didn't finish and don't want to clean up until I finish. Howver being the aforementioned freak that I am...it's driving me crazy. I give it two days. If it's not finished in two days then the recipient will receive said project half finished from a frazzled gift-giver.

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