Tinkle, Tinkle Little Girl
Last night J and I went to visit the R's for dinner. After dinner Boyfriend and Girlfriend asked if I'd make them a special La La Sundae (you know you want one!) for dessert. The kids were chowing down and of course, Girlfriend had climbed up into J's lap, her favorite place to be.
Apparently, after bath time Girlfriend had put on a swim diaper because it had Ariel on it, and well, she wanted to wear Ariel. To her, it's the same as a pull-up, which isn't true. So as she was chowing down, J felt a warm sensation. Next thing I know he picks her up and has her dangling over his lap and I hear "This kid just pissed on me!"
Now if you could only have seen this, you'd be doubled over with laughter the way I and everyone else was. Girlfriend loves food more than anything and was dangling in the air still eating her ice cream and J has two wet legs. It was also more funny because it was J instead of someone who wouldn't be mortified/traumatized by the event. Everyone was laughing with tears. Deep down, I know my hubby finds it funny too. I'm certain of it.
When Girlfriend realized what had happened, she said that the pull-up must have a hole in it. (Ha Ha!). Then she asked J to come help her because her pants were wet. He lovingly replied, "So are mine, you pissed on them!"
It was time to go home after that. And J pushed our child bearing years back, waaaay back!
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