J and I had the day off July 4th and what did we do? We were up and out in the yard at 7am to landscape! Yes--7am! I've never seen my husband so up and about at such an early hour. J made a rock wall leading down the driveway Monday night and Tuesday morning. For the front, we made the shape of our project, cut it out, cut and laid the logs, and finally pounded in 2 ft. stakes to with a sledgehammer (could be why I feel a little sore!). All of that took until about after noon. It was so hot and we were tired so we decided to call it a day. We hosed down with the nice cold water hose right there in the front yard, clothes and all. (Yeah-the redneck roots of H and S county came out again!) We cleaned up, got Subway, and went to the pool. We were only out there for about an hour because the sun was so scorching hot. We went home to get ready for our evening cookout with the B's and Y's, which was such a good time! I love those people!
Up next for the landscaping project is cutting out the sidewalk area and evening it up, laying plastic, planting the new bushes, and finally mulching. I'm so anxious and eager for it to be finished. It's going to look so pretty and I can't wait to have real, fresh, flowers to cut for my house.
I've already decided that this winter I'm going to plant tulip, calla lily, and stargazer lily bulbs. In the spring I'm going ot plant some gerbers and shasta daisies. I love, love, love pretty flowers and I'm so determined to have a green thumb. I'm planning what I can do in the window boxes that I know I'll talk J into making for the front of our house. He's already made some gorgeous cedar window boxes for the potting shed that I can't wait to get up. (We're going to paint the potting shed first, though). Yea--I'm so excited! When the work of doing all of this starts to feel sucky I just remember: WOW--I have a house where I can landscape and plant flowers in the yard. This is awesome!
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