Monday, July 31, 2006

What do I want to do when I grow-up?

I keep thinking that WOW--I should be finishing grad school right now. Unfortunately for circumstances beyond my control I wasn't mentally and emotionally able to pursue grad school fresh out of undergrad. I thought that would be find since for my chosen career I need substantial experience as well as education. However now I'm so ready to pursue further education and realize there is not time like the present. I keep thinking "What do I want to do when I grow-up?" And then I hear a voice within me saying, "Good Morning Dollface--you are grown-up, now what?"

It's a horrible realization that I don't think I really know what I want to do with forever besides spend it with J (Awww, I know!). What I thought I always wanted to do has changed...several times.

I used to think that I wanted my MS in College Student Personnel. This came from being super involved on campus as an undergraduate and loving what the Graduate Student Advisors with my organizations did. That has slowly dwindled when I think that pursuing that means always living in a city with a college that has need for such positions. And fighting all that daily college stuff but without the extended holidays and summers off. I hadn't really thought about that option in awhile and was definitely assured of that as I visited campus today for an appointment. DO I HAVE THREE HEADS? I totally felt like I was being stared at and that I didn't fit in. My goodness I only graduated two little years ago.

Another option that I always wanted to pursue was getting my MS in Public Relations, which was my undergraduate major. It would be simple and easy (as simple and easy as possible) since I have all the prereqs and that kind of work comes really naturally for me. UT also has a magazine writing program which I think is amazing. I always wanted to write for a magazine. I wanted to start with a trendy magazine for young girls such as YM. Is that still around? It was my favorite magazine as a teen. Then I thought I'd move up to something like Elle, Glamour, Lucky, or Domino. From there I'd move over to Better Homes and Gardens, Real Simple, or Southern Living. Finally, I'd end up with Parents, or Child. Yeah, I had it all figured out. So I haven't ruled out the PR/Writing option, but since I already have a background in that do I want to change it up a bit?

So my final option is School Counseling. If I were to write a short manifesto of the escapades I was exposed to as a child and adolescent, they'd probably give me a MS in School Counseling! I do love children, I'm into the counseling thing, could be a nice fit. It opens doors for social work type fields as well as being a guidance counselor. I could be around kids but not in a full time setting. It has a great schedule for when I have my own children and is a position where I feel as if I'd be making a difference. Plus I could be a cheer/tennis coach! How fun! With further classes and licensure processes I could also move into being a teacher if that is what I wanted to do. I would love to teach creative writing classes to students. (See--everything goes back to writing! I love it! Simply love it!)

So what is a girl to do? With working a full time job it will roughly take a million years to complete my MS. In addition if I'm doing it through UT (most likely given my geographical location and my love for all things orange) what if they change the program and it adds extra years. J and I have talked about my going part time for a couple years and he'll be finished with his MBA. From there I could go to school full time and finish in just one more year.

What I do know is this. I. Do. Not. Like. Working. In. The. Summertime! Summertime is meant to be doing stuff that isn't working. Hence the school counseling option looks very viable because (drum roll please) I have summers off! In addition that means when I have children I would work about 180 days per year (Thanks for that stat Mrs. Bex!) and be able to be at home with them a lot.

Which raises other questions. Will I be a stay-at-home-mom? I know everyone reading this is shouting a big, emphatic "YES!", but I really don't know. I feel as if I have to be doing something. I want to feel as if I'm contributing something to my family besides raising kids and also to society, besides raising kids (i.e. I can have my own secret checking account and since I have a job won't feel like I have to be the one to do the laundry all the time! wink, wink!) . I feel like working part-time would make me happier than being a stay-at-home-mom. It would be easier to work part-time with the PR degree/magazine writing emphasis. However, having and educators schedule is basically the same thing but different format.

Since having children and being a mother is very important to me, I really want to think about what is best for me and my family as J and I grow up (that's right, up, not old!) together, have children, and move on to other places in our lives. Who knows where we will even be in a couple of years? His job could take us a variety of places and I want to be able to be flexible in what I pursue. That being said, I think my above options are flexible.

As T2 says no matter how long it takes I'm going to be the same person this time next year and the year after that. I can either be where I am now or taking steps closer to goals and graduate degrees. That T2! She's so smart.

Search for "what I want to do with the rest of my life, " is that a Google option?

A Toilet! A Sink!

This weekend J and I got a toilet and sink for the completion of our third bathroom. Do you know how happy that makes me? Turn to page 304 of "When you know you're old" and you'll see this:

You get excited about a new sink and a new toilet!

We don't really have plans to complete it just yet, our goal is actually in about 2 years We hadn't really planned on acquiring these items just yet. But now we just need a bathtub and we're all set except for the cost of plumbing and a new floor.

I have my sights set on bigger things first though, such as the deck! I'm so going to have my deck with bench seating on the sides next spring. Won't that be great to not have to go around to the patio when grilling out? We'll grill out weekly--even in the winter.

Friday, July 28, 2006


I'm love-love-loving my new Lucky jeans. They fit absolutely perfect and they make my apple bottom look absolutely lucious!

Puppy Fever

Everyone is getting puppies! It makes me have such puppy fever. I've been looking at dogs since J and I moved into our house. We found one last March that was a baby St. Bernard/Retriever mix. It seemed great but we really doubted we were ready for the responsibility of an animal. We very much like to get up and go whenever we want and an animal takes that spontaneity away. Also we knew we were going to be going on our honeymoon in April/May and we'd be away for a week. Inevitably we decided against the perfect pup.

Another opportunity of a St. Bernard came up in May but again, J and I decided we couldn't take on the responsibility at that time. I know the family still has a few of the dogs, but I'm still not sure it's a good idea for us.

I keep looking at St. Bernard, Collie, and Golden Retriever Rescue websites as well as at the local animal center and Humane Society. I'd much rather adopt a puppy that needs a home than to buy one from a breeder. We also have the option of adopting a fullblooded Greyhound from my family's farm. They're all adopted out when they're finished racing.

I told J that we could reapproach the subject of adopting a dog next spring. That gives us time to be good and settled with our married life/new house/new job/etc. Plus I think springtime is the best for a puppy so by the time winter rolls around, it's rather grown up, and I'm just not an animals-in-the-house kinda girl. However I do think that if we were to adopt, it would find a little home in the den foyer where it's all nice and tiled.

Seeing as how I'm the No-Dog-Nazi, I'm the one with puppy fever. I think it's just seeing all the cute furry creatures. When I come back to earth I realize that "hey--that's just more responsibility!" I'm also afraid that I'll get sick of a puppy if I rush into it. I like to pet dogs for a few minutes then I want to put it down, change clothes, and wash my hands. I'm such an OCD freak sometimes. It's came in my "old age." I grew up with pups and it never bothered me. I'll need to get out of that when J and I decide to adopt though.

So I guess for now we'll just keep our eyes peeled at the rescues and animal shelters and hope when we're ready we'll find the perfect dog to adopt. We definitely want a big dog breed that will be a good family dog, has a good personality, and will be fun to have around.

For now, I guess I'll just stick with Fluffy, my betta fish.

90 Day Review

Tomorrow is our three month anniversary which J likes to call our "90 Day Review." He says he'll assess the situation and see if he's going to keep me. Geesh--we're legally bound with a 30 year mortgage. It's pretty expensive to "break-up" at this point. However it also means that he is being assessed for the "90 Day Review." He sure did haul booty to finish up the landscaping this week and got the paint and extra siding for the potting shed. I think he's working hard to get a satisfactory report.

Since I have no doubt that I'll get a satisfactory report I wonder what my reward will be? I could (paisley fabric) think of (pink Liz Claiborne wallet) a few things (black leather bag) that would be (silver monogrammed locket) very nice (shadow box) as a reward for the (framed canvas of wedding picture that I love) very satisfactory (materials for cornice boards) report that I'm going to (2ct diamond earrings to match my ring) receive.

I might (just maybe) have a little something in mind for the weekend. If J is reading my blog today then perhaps I'll get a call in a few minutes. But he'll just have to wait and see what the little surprise is.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Tuesday Top Ten

How could I have forgotten TUESDAY TOP TEN!?

Nonetheless, here it is, even if it's Wednesday. Since this is my 100th post today's topic is:

To Little Reasons to Celebrate
1. Getting a sweet note from a friend
2. Having a relaxing candlelit dinner at home
3. Finding the perfect pair of jeans....on clearance
4. Getting to wear your little black dress
5. Taking weekends away with those you love
6. Spending time with a child
7. No lines at your favorite store
8. Having a blissfully sunny day
9. Reading a book
10. Making someone laugh

Monday, July 24, 2006

Another One

I'm having another one of those fabulous Ann Taylor days. Even my all-I-did-was-dry-it hair is working for me, which is rare. I'm loving my new black frilly, lacy shirt. I feel as if I should leave work to hit cocktail hour followed by a nice dinner at some place like Bogartz. Yeah, that's it.

Too bad tonight is laundry and mowing the grass. I suppose I'll change out of my 3 inch heels for that. But when I get it all done then I'm going to take my happy little self to the mall this week for a little retail therapy.

Friday, July 21, 2006

It's Official: I Hate July

I've decided this week that July is my least favorite month. It's just too humid here to do anything in July. I walked outside for work before 8 am this week and broke into an instant sweat. The humidity levels make it unpleasant to even sit outside beneath an umbrella for lunch. I can't imagine what my friends are feeling since My Town is mild compared to most places in the South. Mrs. S in Twiggy Town, CC in Atl, Bracelet Girl M in Texas, and Braceleth Girl E in Florida probably all have it far worse. Unite girls--no more July!

May it also be known that I picked the worst month of the year for the landscaping project at our house. J and I have been doing little things after work and because the evenings are still so miserable, we wait until late and were still mulching via floodlights last night at 10pm. But thankfully, the project is almost over and it looks wonderful.

Ugh, did I mention July is miserable?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Good Morning Mrs.S!

Mrs. S, this is your 5am wake-up call! Good morning darling! I love you and hope you have a wonderful day! MWA!


I heard the most atrocious rumor yesterday, and I'm afraid it's true.

My. Work. Place. Does. NOT. Have. The. Day. Off. After. THANKSGIVING!

What on earth kind of communist, absurd, senseless place did I sign up to work? I guess I should expect such things in the media industry. Perhaps I should have done a little extra research in my year long trek to get a job here.

J gets that day off. It will be out of the question to see my family for Thanksgiving if I work Friday. Well, out of the question for me. J will be there with bells on if my Auntie B is cooking. Even spending the day with J's family will be arduous. How do they expect me to have a good holiday. Better yet--HOW DO THEY EXPECT ME TO GO SHOPPING ON BLACK FRIDAY!?!?

Well, the good news is that I have plenty of vacation days as well as my BIRTHDAY day that week so perhaps I can score the day off. Of course being the newest girl, it's not certain. Others will have priority over me. Luckily, however, several here are My Town natives with all of their family being here so it may not be a big deal for them.

I suppose we'll wait and see. I may be donning clothes of mourning complete with black hat adorned with an ugly flower and taffeta veil hanging over my face.

Work? On the Friday after Thanksgiving? WHAT?

Quote de Jour

"You're all precious cargo! I would bubble warp you if I could - but I am afraid you would just pop it!"--Amy to the Bracelet Girls

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday Top Ten

Top Ten Places I'd Rather Be

  1. Doing stuff at the house with my hubby
  2. On a cruise ship to the USVI
  3. Visiting lighthouses in the Outer Banks and/or New England
  4. On a plane to Bora Bora
  5. Shopping wildly in NYC
  6. Sewing balloon valances or roman shades for our bedroom
  7. Having tea with my girlfriends
  8. Taking a nap in a hammock
  9. Getting a manicure/pedicure
  10. Five feet outside the door would work

I Don't Like New Grocery Stores

J and I went to a different grocery store last night because it was in the same Shopping Center where we were doing other errands. Grrrr! I do not like new grocery stores. It took longer to find what we needed whereas in Kroger we know the layout and can be in and out in no time. One time, we even stopped on a Sunday evening after being out of town and had a full list. We did it all, arrived home, and unloaded in under 40 minutes so I didn't have to miss Desperate Housewives! Snaz, huh?

I was already tired last night and being in this grocery store made me cranky. I didn't know where anything was, they didn't have the same brands and things that I was used to finding so quick and easy, and the pizza and cheese looked awful! The only thing I enjoyed about the experience were my blueberries.

So there, my whiny rant and rave on why I don't like grocery stores that are foreign to me.

Monday, July 17, 2006

West Virginia Weekend

I returned home last night and felt as if I'd been gone for a week.

J and I left Friday afternoon to go to West Virginia. We had a little "off roading" experience on the way. The weather turned nasty as soon as we went to leave. There were a couple horrible thunderstorms along the way. When it finally cleared up there were just dreary skies and wet roads. There were some spots with puddles so deep the water would splash more than 6-8 feet up and over the concrete barrier to the median. Somewhere outside of Asheville, KY we hit water. J wasn't driving extremely fast, just interstate speeds. It wasn't even a huge puddle of water, just a little water. J saw it and began to slow down. However, we were going downhill and into a curve and it didn't seem to matter. We fishtaled, spun around in the road and went into the median backwards at about 45mph. Once in the median we spun around twice and begin to pop up the other side. J was able (by the grace of God is all I know!) to keep the car down so we came to a stop on the bottom. That was it! We thankfully didn't hit the guard rail we were headed for. When we turned backwards I just knew there were cars behind us that were going to hit me and it was going to hurt and make lots of loud and nasty noises. J just knew that we were going to pop up into oncoming traffic. But no, none of that. We sat there for a moment and realized "this is how people die!." We were semi stuck and began spinning, but J was able to straighten the car up and pull right out to continue going. When I looked back I noticed a couple had stopped and was running toward us. Isn't it nice to know that there are still nice, concerned, "good Samaritan" type people still in the world. We of course couldn't really stop since we were on the other side now and moving. Thank God for protecting us in a potentially horrible situation.

So onto more exciting things, we arrived around 8:00 pm to have dinner with Mrs. Bex and Pie. Mr. Bex was at work but we were able to see him Saturday. Pie is such a doll. She is quite a little mover and shaker and she can really be a chatterbox. She's so cute when she says "La La and J." Oh I love it!

Saturday morning we went shopping at a few of my fave stores that aren't in TN. We stopped back at the Bex's for a little visit before the two hour trek to my Pappy's house. We visited him on Saturday evening and went to G's with my cousin's for dinner. It's a fabulous little pizza place that I love. That evening brought about a B Family Spades Tournament--not for the weak! J did well though. I was proud. And thankfully no one was bleeding at the end. (Those tournaments can be brutal). I truck had jack-knifed on the mountain (yeah, we're in the sticks) and J and I couldn't get back to my granddad's so we spent the night with my cousins.

Sunday morning stylist friend cut my hair and we went back to my Pappy's to hang out until brunch when we all went to my Auntie B's. I love Sunday brunch with my family. There is nothing like a rip-roaring good time with a houseful of B's.

After spending a couple hours with my family we had to hit the road for home with a quick stop at The Drive-In for the world's best hotdogs. We bought a dozen to put in the freezer! When we get low, it's time to go back to WV.

We had a rather quick and thankfully uneventful trip to Tennessee. We made a quick to visit J's parents. It was nice and it also means we won't have to make the trip in the next few weeks.

Once we got home and put away the garden that grandpa had stuffed in my trunk (potatoes, peppers, greenbeans, cucumbers, zucchini, peas, blueberries...) I passed out.

And today, I'm still tired.

Is this picture beautiful or what? This is Uncle Tim's Bridge in Wellfleet, Cape Cod. I'm planning a "New England Road Trip" for J and I for sometime next year or the following year. (Also on the agenda is an "Out West Road Trip" and we'll be going to Europe as well, but that's not really a "road trip." We're going to visit Andrew in Northern Ireland, but while we're there I think we'll hop on to London, Paris, Rome, etc...) I don't know what order the trips are going to be in. I am excited to visit those northern seaside towns. We are such "lazy seaside cottage" kind of people. This site will definitely be on our list when we do go. Perhaps I'll post a complete agenda (that I've already gathered, but with room to be altered) another day. For now, just get lost and daydream in this picture!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Take Me Home...

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
-John Denver
This weekend J and I are taking a little road trip to West Virginia to visit family and friends. Although they all came to our wedding, I didn't really get to spend time with anyone. I'm so excited to visit my Pappy, cousins, and of course my precious little Pie!
We're going to arrive for dinner tonight with the Bex's, do a little shopping at some favorite stores there that aren't in Tennessee, then make the two hour trip to my Pappy's house with a quick stop in The Drive-In for hotdogs. (Not just any hotdogs, but these are the best hotdogs on earth, I don't know what it is but they are absolutely scrumptious!). Sunday morning will be brunch at Auntie B's with all the family before we leave.
Unfortunately I won't be able to see BJ or her parent's because they'll be in Kings Island. (Lucky little girl!)
Trips to visit my Pappy are so quick and hurried now that I'm a graduated big girl with a big girl job and yada yada yada! It's hard to cram so much into a visit. It's also hard that I don't get to see or spend time with some of my family and friends like I used to. I can't tell you the last time I actually got to go to "The Farm". ("The Farm" being the Greyhound Farm, a joint venture with my Pappy and his brother, Uncle D, mostly a hobby).
I do love to visit up there though. I'm thankful I don't live there and I think I had a much better life growing up in East Tennessee than in the part of West Virginia where I was born and spent the first half of my childhood. I never thought I'd think I was better off here. Talk about a homesick little girl! But visiting there still makes me happy. I remember my dad used to roll down the windows at the top of the mountain when we'd arrive in the state so we could "smell that West Virginia air." Now of course I don't even travel that way since "that's how Davy Crockett and the Pioneers went" according to my Pappy.
I'm looking forward to visiting and will quite possibly have some great entertainment upon my return.

A Bit of Exciting News

Yesterday J had his one year review at work and (drum roll please!), HE GOT A RAISE! Yea for him (and me, and our bank account!). Time to rip open the mattresses and begin vigorously stuffing them with all of this newfound wealth!

Not only did he get a raise but he got an above average raise. Everything on the list was "on track". I'm so proud of him. This is so exciting. Plus now the company will pay for tuition so he can get his MBA as he'd hoped. Let's hear it for my hubby!


Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Date With My Husband...and Boyfriend

Yes, I had a date with my husband and my boyfriend! Am I a lucky girl or what? Last night J and I took Boyfriend to see Cars. I love spending time with children and Boyfriend was excited to see this movie so we made a little date of it.

I picked Boyfriend up after work and took him to the house to wait for J so we could eat pizza. Within five minutes I turn my head and he has scaled the railing over the stairs. What a monkey. Thankfully he returned safely and I threatened his life if he ever did that again. Boyfriend had a great time; we fed him pizza, M&M's, kool-aid, and other such goodies before and during the movie. Afterwards, we returned him home. Oh how I love kids but how I also love returning them to their parents and going home to my own world.

As for the movie review, Cars was very cute and a must see for kids. It is, however a long movie at two hours. It may be more of a buy-on-dvd for little ones with short attention spans.

Hasta la Vista, Addy

Addy is moving to DC! It's been two years and her time has finally come. I got to visit her for the last time before her move this week and we commemorated by eating at one of her favorite restaurants, see The Devil Wears Prada, and then a coffee at her favorite little coffee house. I'm so excited that this is finally happening for her. It's been her dream to go to grad school at AU and move to DC since I've known her. She's worked hard to get there and it's all paid off. I hope a long weekend to visit her works out this fall.

The Devil Wears Prada is a must see. I'm rarely an advocate for books-turned-movies but this has been a favorite for me along with In Her Shoes. It gives me hope that I will love The Nanny Diaries when it comes out. I loved that book as well.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

At the Lake

J and I spent the weekend on Chickamauga Lake with one of my best friends CC and her boyfriend CO. CO's family has a cute little house with a large wrap around deck overlooking the water. I loved the inside of the house because it was so "Golden Girls!" They also have a fabulous dock, partially covered, and with a little bridge down to the actual boat portion of the dock.

Isn't it amazing how you can take a short trip for the weekend and feel rejuvenated? It was nice because it's only about an hour and a half drive for us. We got there super late on Friday night and returned home Sunday afternoon. Some other friends, Holly and Grant (also newlyweds!) were there, too. It was really nice to hang out with everyone.

We laid in the sun all day reading and chatting and the guys, well, made idiots of themselves fishing. But I am proud that my hubby caught the most and biggest fish. Well, CO caught the most, but it doesn't count when you realize he caught this little two inch sunfish (Nemo we named him!) about five times in a row.

We sat out on the boat all night listening to music, chatting, and playing cards. It was so relaxing to have a little weekend away with my hubby and spending time with friends. We look forward to going back soon and J and I are going to take our kayaks. I can't wait.

I also can't wait until J and I can afford our own little lake house. We'd really like to find a cute little place on Norris Lake, or just get land and build later. I grew up on the lake with boats and love to spend my weekends like that. I also want that for my kids. Furthermore, when we do purchase a cute little 3 bed, 2 bath, eat in kitchen, with mudroom, large deck, back yard, nice dock cottage on Norris Lake---you're all invited to visit!


That's right! Today is "OFFISHUL CHIKIN EATIN DAY" from Chick-Fil-A. If you wear a full fledged cow costume to Chik-Fil-A, you get a free Chick-fil-A combo. Chick-Fil-A is one of my favorite fast-food places to eat, YUM! But I'm not sure the $5 is really worth the full fledged cow costume.

Friday, July 07, 2006

And They're Off....

B and Sjb have gone to Montana to get married. I saw them off about 8:15 this morning. I want to be there so, so bad, but having just paid for my own wedding leaves little in the travel fund to fly out there. That combined with gas prices resulting in ticket prices skyrocketing to obscene amounts (in the neighborhood of 1,000 for just me to fly, leaving my hubby at home!). I do, however, have a copy of her ceremony which I'll read about 8pm on Tuesday night when she'll be walking thru the field and down the aisle with her parents and locking eyes with her best friend and man of her dreams all the while looking absolutely stunning.

Last night J and I went over there to ahem, keep the peace. She and B could have very well strangled each other with the stress of getting everything together and a few last minute things to do. It was great to be on the outside of that. I remember the couple weeks and especially the last couple days before our wedding. I was, um, slightly less than my charming and joyful self. Sometimes I look back and think, "Why on earth did he still marry me?" Nonetheless, I'm so, so happy that he did. But last night was fun, helping her pack and pick out music as well as throwing out reminders to ensure they'd done everything. At least I get to be a little part of her big day. I also went with her to try on and pick out her dress as well as both fittings. It was such fun. I remember when we went to, ahem, "play" in our wedding dresses. That was good times. We loved being dressed up so pretty in our dresses together. In fact, this fall we're going to take off our bands and go to a different bridal boutique to try on dresses just for fun! We can't go back to White Lace because they know us there all too well!

Sjb and B have such a great story of knowing each other since Kindergarten and being high school sweethearts, twice since the first attempt didn't go so well. But how cute that they went to their Jr. and Sr. Prom together, graduated together, attended college together, and graduated again together, and now they're getting married. It makes me wish I had a precious high school sweetheart story. But then I think, "PRAISE THE LORD---I did not marry any of those jerks or losers that I went out with in high school!" Besides, I don't think J and I would have liked each other in high school. We were both very different than we are now.

So besides all of the tangents I wandered off on in this post, Sjb and B have gone to get married. So, SO, exciting! In three days she'll be a Mrs., and we'll be able to be wives together. I know Sjb may not be in My Town much longer (and hey, who knows how long J and I will be here and where we'll end up in a couple years) so I'm glad that I know we have a few months to be in this part of our lives together.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Gerber Daisy

As an addendum to the previous posts about my (current lack thereof) green thumb I would like to note that (drum roll please), I grew a gerber daisy! Yes I did! Mrs. R and Mrs. O had me a wonderful Brunch Bridal Shower and that was the centerpiece and my little treat to take home. Well of course it abruptly died. (Why? Because plants come to me to die.) So I trimmed it back and "deadheaded" it and sat it on the front porch. And you know what? It found new growth! It bloomed! I have a beautiful hot pink gerber daisy alive and well. My darling husband may note that he watered it, but that is so beside the point. I watered it some too and it grew! My luck is changing. I'm going to grow plants and they are going to be beautiful!


J and I had the day off July 4th and what did we do? We were up and out in the yard at 7am to landscape! Yes--7am! I've never seen my husband so up and about at such an early hour. J made a rock wall leading down the driveway Monday night and Tuesday morning. For the front, we made the shape of our project, cut it out, cut and laid the logs, and finally pounded in 2 ft. stakes to with a sledgehammer (could be why I feel a little sore!). All of that took until about after noon. It was so hot and we were tired so we decided to call it a day. We hosed down with the nice cold water hose right there in the front yard, clothes and all. (Yeah-the redneck roots of H and S county came out again!) We cleaned up, got Subway, and went to the pool. We were only out there for about an hour because the sun was so scorching hot. We went home to get ready for our evening cookout with the B's and Y's, which was such a good time! I love those people!

Up next for the landscaping project is cutting out the sidewalk area and evening it up, laying plastic, planting the new bushes, and finally mulching. I'm so anxious and eager for it to be finished. It's going to look so pretty and I can't wait to have real, fresh, flowers to cut for my house.

I've already decided that this winter I'm going to plant tulip, calla lily, and stargazer lily bulbs. In the spring I'm going ot plant some gerbers and shasta daisies. I love, love, love pretty flowers and I'm so determined to have a green thumb. I'm planning what I can do in the window boxes that I know I'll talk J into making for the front of our house. He's already made some gorgeous cedar window boxes for the potting shed that I can't wait to get up. (We're going to paint the potting shed first, though). Yea--I'm so excited! When the work of doing all of this starts to feel sucky I just remember: WOW--I have a house where I can landscape and plant flowers in the yard. This is awesome!

Harsh Realities from my Husband

We're eating dinner Monday night (chicken kabobs, squash casserole, and glazed carrots). J isn't seeming so into the squash casserole or glazed carrots so I ask him if he likes it. It goes a little something like this:

Me: Do you like the squash?
J: Yeah, it's good (takes a heaping bite, but isn't convincing.)
Me: Really? Because if not it's ok.
J: No really.
Me: Because sometimes I feel like you say that just to not hurt my feelings.
J: Well, I have before, but this really is good!

Yeah--he has lied to me about not liking what I've cooked. Apparently the time I cooked with a bay leaf it was a little potent for him.

I totally don't have a green thumb but wish I did. I'm working really hard on it. After the honeymoon I planted an Herb Garden which resides just outside the kitchen door. Monday night I was carrying a tray out for dinner and noticed that there was tons more growth. Especially the spearmint. I picked a leaf and smelled it but it wasn't so spearmintish. So I tell myself it's just not fully ready. Sitting at dinner with J:

Me: Did you see my herbs? The spearmint? And I was afraid it wasn't going to grow.
J: It's grass.

I mean c'mon! I was pretty sure, but not super sure. I still had hope! I'm glad my darling is so blatantly honest (sometimes!).

Monday, July 03, 2006

I Know

God above all the world in motion
God above all my hopes and fears
And I don't care what the world throws at me now
I'm gonna be alright
It's gonna be alright
Cause I know my God saved the day
And I know His word never fails
And I know my God made a way for me
Salvation is here
Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow.
O praise the one who paid my debt
and raised this life up from the dead.

Weekend Highlights

Besides buying new furniture, my weekend seemed to be full of excitement.

I have a date!
Friday evening J took me on a date! We went to the movies and snuck in candy and soda. It was like being a poor college kid only married. But I'm cheap so I don't want to pay more than thirty three cents for my Reese's Cup and the theatre doesn't have Diet Dr. Pepper Berries and Cream which is my current flavor of choice.

Garage Sale
When we got home it was time to set up for our impromptu garage sale. We have plans to have a "NEWLYWEDS GARAGE SALE" with S and B after their wedding and honeymoon. But we were tired of looking at all of that stuff in the "garage sale room" and in the garage, that we thought we'd just put a sign up by the road and go with it. Thanks to my marketing ploy we had some great business. My signs were awesome! They said "Just Married" with an X through it and then "Garage Sale" with an arrow! How cool is that? Anyway, we made a whopping $200 and I'm not even sure what we sold. All the big stuff (and good stuff) is still left for our Newlyweds Garage Sale with the other couple. So exciting. Let me tell you, merging our stuff (which we had too much of anyway) plus all of the wonderful wedding gifts has left us with more than plenty to get rid of. We've given away so much stuff to our friends, too (dishes, pots and pans, sofas, tables, dressers, etc.) and we still have plenty for a Garage Sale Extravaganza! I'd also like to mention that we picked the hottest day of the year to spend the morning on our blacktop driveway. It was rather comparable to Hell--but I did get some good sun.

Saturday afternoon we bought our furniture! For more info see the previous post. We even went and picked it up on Saturday so we didn't have to wait for delivery. It was very exciting!

Dumpster Diving
Also Saturday evening my hubby and I had a darling little date of Dumpster Diving. Now, now! Don't laugh. My papasan (which is sadly going in the garage sale) and the futon (which is living at T-Ho's) were both brought back to life from the White Columns dumpster! People really throw out good stuff. (We may also have a grill that was sitting in Northshore Woods.) There was a house on our street that had a lawn mower and an old wooden wheelbarrow out by the curb. J likes to work on things so seeing that lawn mower was like a toy store for him. And the wheelbarrow, an old wooden wheelbarrow, SCORE! A house on the adjacent street had a desk by the curb. J had been eyeing it for 2 days. So we stop by to check it out, realize it's fabulous and put it in the blazer. Well we didn't just put it in the blazer because it wouldn't fit. Instead we both developed hernias trying and it was still sticking out of the back. But that wasn't stopping J.
Absolutely not. He jumped in the back, held onto it, and made me drive the mile or so home. Yes-everyone knows we're from H and S counties now because we totally rednecked it up. Upon unloading the desk into our garage (which he is so excited to fix the top and give to my good friend Alice) we went down the street for the other goods. But much to our dismay, they were gone! Yes, gone! Someone beat us to it. Those (expletives!). Oh we are so easily entertained! As for Alice, she's so excited about her new desk that she could nearly pee her pants!

The Ghetto Fabulous Family
There is a family on the adjacent street to us that we often get a good chuckle at and refer to them as the "Ghetto Fabs." At any given time when you drive by you can see a man mowing the lawn, shirt off, gut hanging out, and (drum roll please!) beer in hand! Yeah baby--he's just cruising along on his riding mower. All he needs is hydraulics. One day last week they were all out in the front yard hanging out in lawn chairs. This is only odd because they have a very large, flat backyard and everyone knows that you congregate in the back yard! Besides, it's a rather busy, curvy street they live on. Not so friendly for families and kids to be living it up next to the idiot drivers. So this weekend the Ghetto Fabs took it one step further and had a grill and blow up swimming pool out there. Yeah--they're just hanging out doing their thang and waving to all the folks on the road.

Now I'm sure you thinking what J and I already hee-hawed over. We (the rednecks of the neighborhood) obviously have room to talk about the Ghetto Fabs. HA! No, we don't, but doesn't that make it more entertaining.

Home Depot
Another hot date from that romantic little thing! We went to the Home Depot after church. I was excited about it though because we bought the stuff to landscape our front yard and make it pretty, pretty! I hope my roses and hydrangeas bloom nicely. I'm sure tomorrows 90something degree weather with 80something percent humidity will make for a lovely day of landscaping.

Car Washing
Sunday evening after I spend some quality time at the pool J and I washed our cards. We quite possibly had the dirtiest cars in the world. We had to scrape and scrub whatever stuff the off of his blazer that the idiots at the wedding used to paint on it. With mine, there was no excuse, it was gross. Between the outer layer of disgusting dirt and the actual surface that was my car, we found midgets, houses, clowns, zoo animals, and even a remote tribal village from a third world country. Yeah--told you it was nasty!


The furniture debacle is over! Yes, it's over! We have made a decision. We went with the light khaki suede microfiber sofa and loveseat. We went back to get it on Saturday and also found a leather bench ottoman to go with it. J has wanted a large leather ottoman for the den since we moved in, we'd just never found the right one. But then, there it was. The perfect color, the perfect size, the right "look" (no nailheads, minimal stitching, not button tufted), it was everything. Plus the feet on it are very complimentary to the feet on our new sofas. It's so exciting! We feel as if we're in a different house because suddenly our two living spaces have been transformed.

We (I) have fabrics in mind and we're going to cover pillows and the trunk top that sits to the side of the den. I'm also going to make a tie up shade for the French door. That way I won't be so scared if J is out of town and I'm in there by myself! (Who are we kidding? When J is out of town I surround myself with friends or shut the bedroom door to watch tv or go straight to sleep. I'm a wimp and I'm not ashamed!). We're going to move the bookshelves around (maybe, I'm not sold on this but J wants to do it) and paint the inside blue along with a shelf over the entertainment center. We already have a great chocolate brown chenille throw for the basket downstairs, some fabulous lamps that we've already set up on the end tables, and we've made a plan for the decor. Perhaps a rustic looking map for behind the sofa and I'm ordering wedding pics for over the mantle. We also have pictures in our bedroom that we're going to move downstairs since I'm going cottage chic in there.

It's so exciting! (Yes, I'm excited over sofas, also guilty of being excited over silicone bakeware and anything with a kitchen aid label, especially the stand mixer and food processor!) I'm glad we have a room to decorate in brown and blue. Everyone is invited over to hang out in our new "man den."