Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
I once loved to cook. When I worked at my corporate office job I'd typically arrive home about and hour before Mr. Bella and cook dinner. I tried new recipes, I bought fancy ingredients, I made pretty displays on the table.....
- it's too bland.
- it's too fancy.
- it's too spicy.
- you should have added (insert here)
- what is it?
- do we have ramen?
- can i make a frozen pizza?
- what? carrots? i'm not eating it!
- what spices are on this?
- eww...i can taste (insert here)
- Make their same old thing every night and cook something decent for myself.
- Make it and they'll eat it or be hungry.
- Make them cook and be done with it.
- I refuse to make two meals.
- I can't buy enough peanut butter and ramen and then the dinner I made is wasted.
- Well since I don't work I feel like I should cook and the guilt complex kicks in.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
PRESSING ISSUE: Cleaning out childhood items
I'm not usually a weekend poster (rarely a poster sometimes it seems!) but I would love some feedback and conversation about this topic from y'all!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Y'all....I'm so worn out lately! Brother Bella is back to school and getting in the swing of everything has nearly exhausted me. However I now have seven whole hours to myself during the day to which I can repaint/redecorate/rearrage/repurpose to my hearts content.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Good advice
Be pretty if you can, be witty if you must, but be gracious if it kills you!--Elsie de Wolfe
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
School started back today but it was only a half day. Geesh I'm already tired! I couldn't do high school again. Or college! All of the college students arrived in town last weekend and holy cow Target is wiped out!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I spent the afternoon at the lake with fried chicken and margaritas. It was the great makings for a new Kenny Chesney song.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Bella Barometer
FEELING: pissy and frustrated
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Hideee Ho!
Well lookie who it is making an appearance on her own blog? Fancy me showing up here. Let me catch you up in bullets, then I'm out to visit family and the mountains for the rest of the week.
- My brown polka dot J. Crew flip flops are on their last flop. This is precisely why I don't pay full price for anything! Had I paid $40 at J. Crew and worn them a season I'd have been a bit terse! But I got them (new with tags might I ad) for $3 at a garage sale.
- We are not moving. I'm neither happy nor sad really. We did find a great house in a great neighborhood that was on the river with it's own pool, playground, tennis and basketball courts, and walking trails....but we do love our little home here. It kinda sucks for Mr. B, but we know something else will work out. And when BB graduates in two years we'll probably for sure hit the road to new city.
- Speaking of BB....we bought him a Jeep Cherokee. His birthday is tomorrow and he'll be sixteen. FREEDOM! Errr...for me, not him. I'm no longer a taxi. Oh I kid, kinda. Truthfully I think I might miss driving him around just a little bit. He'd often talk to me then. Anyway, he has a sweet new ride.
- Speaking of sweet new rides, I won't be getting my ML320 last week as I would have if we did move. Instead it will be another 6 months to a year. I can hold out. Really I can.
- Especially since Mr. B has a bee in his bonnet over a Tahoe or Yukon. Geesh....I'll be driving my little silver bullet sporty coupe forever! I guess we all have the car bug.
- I got a job offer for a full time nanny. These people are paying bank I tell you! Seriously, it's nearly my corporate salary once taxes were taken out. The thing is, I don't want to work full time. I love taking care of babies (he's 6 weeks old) and it's not really a "job" to me but I need my time now that I'm so used to it. I think I'll do it part time though. We're hammering out details.
- I got a manicure last weekend and chose Linkin Park after Dark for my nails. It was totally the trend five minutes ago to do dark short nails. It's a dark eggplant-ish purple but looks rather black. I actually kind of like it. It seems fun and sassy. It's very different for this french manicure girl.
- I found a new grill for Mr. Bella. It's the Chargriller and it's half charcoal (he loves charcoal) and half gas, and also smokes. Oh Yum Yum YUM how tasty are the things on it.
- I'm nearly finished with the Southern Belle Society magazine. Praise the Lord! I'll be taking a mental health day with a massage and margarita when it goes to print.
- My shop just negotiated it's second brick and mortar contract!! I'm in two shops. Yippieeee!
- Hmmm....while compiling this post in my head on my way home from Sonic Happy Hour (I'm a regular...I need help!) I felt there was so much more to share. Apparently not.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, August 04, 2009