An Extra $100
If I had an extra $100 today:
- $15 purse at Target
- $35 monogrammed cutting board with monogrammed spreader
- $30 three tiered serving stand
- $15 Hanky Panky undies
- $5 a few new songs at iTunes
If I had an extra $100 today:
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Today is the day my friends! Mr. Bella has his big interview!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, July 20, 2009
Mr. Bella has his annual review today. He's been with company for four years and they've paid for his MBA. They also pay peanuts in salary. He's worth a good 50% more than what he makes. That said it IS a fantastic company to work for. That ALSO said Mama has no plans of working (Mr. B agrees!) and misses her old lifestyle of two incomes and has twinklings in her eyes of babies.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dear Mr. Bella and Brother Bella,
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, July 13, 2009
"I always wondered why blessings wore disguises. If I were a blessing I'd run around naked!"
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Saturday, July 11, 2009
This is really such a horrible story and such a grasping at straws celebrity sighting that I'm just going to tell you to stop reading right now!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Do any of you ever have similar conversations?
Him: The stove has something dried on it.
Her: Then clean it off.
Him: The Dr. Pepper is in the way of the electric skillet.
Her: Then move it.
Him: I can't find my jacket.
Her: It's in the closet.
Him: I didn't hang it up.
Her: I know.
Him: All the steak knives are dirty.
Her: Wash them.
Him: There's something sticky on the floor.
Her: Clean it up.
Him: The dog kinda smells.
Her: Then bathe him.
Him: Turkey burgers again?
Her: No, you're cooking dinner.
Him: I can't find my such and such shirt.
Her: It's dirty.
Him: Oh....are you going to wash it?
Her: No, you are now.
Anyone? Anyone?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
I spend a few days a week at the pool (poor, pitiful, me, I know!) and therefore do a fair amount of people watching. In addition I spent a week at the beach last month which also provided great entertainment on swimsuits.
First of all the beach I visisted, Hilton Head Island, is known for being a bit classy and upscale as opposed to some of the more trashier noted beaches such as Daytona, Panama City, and Myrtle. Now don't get your panties in a wad....I don't care if you visit these beaches, I've been to all of them multiple times. The point is there are very different people at them.
Moving on....swimsuits.
Wow! Some of the people in their swimsuits. At HHI I saw a grandmother, she was 60 if she was a day, in a string bikini bottom that had peace signs all over it.
There are SO many things wrong with this picture. First of all no matter how thin you are string bikinis have a season and it's over before you're thirty! Second, grandma? Peace Signs? That season should be over by college graduation.
I've seen a handful of wrinkly old ladies in the teeniest, tiniest string bikinis and frankly it's gross! It's not that all the women are chubby or anything, but that style of suit just isn't attractive on their body. A more appropriate two piece would be much more attractive.
Second, teens and their swimsuits blow my mind! First of all my teenage daughter will not be wearing a string bikini appropriate for a two dollar hooker! These girls are cute and thin but why on earth can't they wear more than a postage stamp on their bums? Furthermore, how about those teens who are trying to be slutty but are actually a bit too chubby to wear such things. One gal in particular I'm thinking of would look very cute in a two piece with wider sides and a halter neck with actual straps. What is wrong with a more modest two piece that still shows skin but doesn't say cheap?
Third, let's talk about children and swimsuits! Little girls wearing string bikinis? NO WAY! Are our children not sexualized enough? We have to put elementary aged children in the smallest amount of fabric we can? Personally I think I'll make my children wear tankinis, they're cute, they're modest, and they're more appropriate for a child playing in water.
Lastly let me give swimsuit shoppers a bit of advice: just because you can get it on doesn't mean that it fits!
Can I get an Amen?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
I know a little girl named Collette. She doesn't go by Collette, she goes by Mia, which is short for her middle name Amelia, but that is a whole other story that annoys me because just name your child Mia already!
Anyway, at first the name seemed old and dated.
But the second time I said it was cute, sassy, strong, classic, and unique as there aren't many of them and it's not a made up name.
I like it! The third time I said it, I loved it! I want to tell the parents to call their child Collette and not Mia.
So the name Collette, love or hate?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, July 06, 2009
Woohoo for long weekends and time with my cutie patootie husband! Hope y'all have a great long weekend and Independence Day!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, July 02, 2009