Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I stand by the fact that I'm not a bad driver
Hubs and I meet at home for lunch nearly everyday. We're both fortunate enough to live rather close to our offices so that we have a very little commute. Today one the way home I thought I'd swing through the local farm store for some fresh milk and to fill up my gas tank while I was at it.
Well that I did.
And then I called hubs.
"Hi lovely, darling, precious, sweetheart husband--you handsome thing you. Um, I'm at the farm store on the pike and I have flat"
SuperHubs flies on over to save the day and change my tire. He looked at me quizzically.
"Cupcake, did you maybe hop the curb when going in excess of the speed limit and not braking properly"
"Nohoneyreally! Iwasn'tgoingthatfastatall! But, uh, er, I kinda did apparently hop the curb, um, just a little bit. But not because I was driving like it's turn four of Talladegga--that's what Mrs. S does, but not me, no, huh-uh!"
(Sorry Mrs. S!)
"Yeah, just a little bit."
Strangely hubs wasn't very entertained when he popped my trunk to find a wedding dress, blanket, backpack, and easy-bake oven.
He gave me a less than humored look and I'm fairly certain he followed up with an eye roll.
"Honey I need those things! I might have a fance something or another to go to on the fly, and I might get cold, and that backpack has everything from jumper cables and maps to lipgloss and bandaids--clearly just the essentials. Oh, and the easy-bake is just incase a hunger pain strikes while wearing the dress wrapped up in the blanket."
"Well go inside and pick up some cookie dough while I change this"
I believe I detected a bit of smarty pants in that comment. Yes I do.
(Really the backpack does contain essentials, and the blanket is incase I break down and get cold. The dress is because I had it cleaned after the fountain fiasco and havne't bothered to remove it from the car since it's stored in there as nicely as in my closet. And as for the easy-bake, well everyone has those in their trunk, right? Ok, it's for Pie, she's visiting in less than two weeks.)
Hubs stripped off his dress shirt and changed my tire in his work chinos and undershirt (whistle!). He completed the great tire change and checked out the damage.
"Well I don't know what the hell you did Cupcake, but you did a good job."
I smiled proudly--what a compliment.
I looked at the little donut tire.
"Um, J, this looks a bit flat too."
"Why yes it does--drive slow and don't wreck in the two miles home."
That's why I love him--he gives such great advice.
And really, I am a good driver.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
It's great to be a Tennssee Vol!
Saturday morning J and I decided to go to the UT vs. USC game that evening. Our tailgating action included dinner at the DTGB (where I/we could have the Downtown Nut Brown--yum!). We love that place and lucky for us it's only about 9 or 10 blocks from the stadium.
I love Tennessee football games, and especially night games. I get so nostalgic being on campus, but that's another post for another time. This was a fabulous game to watch and we have great tickets. The first half was awesome with Tennessee's commanding lead of 21-0. The second half, well not so awesome. It was at that point I thought Phil had wrapped the game in a bow to hand it over. USC came back with three touchdowns and a field goal for a lead of 24-21. Tennessee had two kicks, missed the first one and was pushed back for a penalty. J was disgusted and ready to leave with 9 seconds on the clock claiming there was no way they'd make it if they hadn't made the first one. Oh ye of little faith! I refused to leave with a mere 9 seconds and Tennessee made the kick! Woot! Overtime. South Carolina won the toss and opted for defense. Tennessee made a field goal giving them the lead of 27-24. USC had one last chance, and lucky for us, missed it! We won! Not a soul played in that game and I think the whole thing was dumb luck. Nonetheless it made for a good night of football.
It was also great entertainment that sitting in our midst was a referee, the offensive coordinator, the defensive coordinator, and an announcer. Yesiree! What would we have done without the profound insight of them sitting around us? Well, I just don't know. J gets great joy out of poking fun at such individuals. The (very intoxicated) offensive coordinator got up and half-time and didn't return. We were quite worried (not to mention clueless to what was going on.)
Also entertaining was the sorority fall fashion show. (Not to be confused with the spring fashion show at the boxing tournament.) I liked to look cute for the games and all, but I only broke out short skirts and knee boots for the obligatory dress-up for the Homecoming game. (Nothing like walking from White Columns to the Stadium in three and a half inch heels, yes GFTS and Mrs. S?) But some of these girls--geesh. I was clad in my dark wash denim jeans, khaki moc shoes, navy and white striped gap long sleeved shirt with a little orange with white and navy Tennessee tee over it. Compared to the runway that is the stairs, I felt a bit frumpy. Oh the ridiculousness!
These aren't the best pictures, but my camera is on the fritz but has to last through the end of the year. Left to right: Tennessee running through the Power T before the game. J and I having fun, the Pride of the Southland half-time show (love the band), and the last picture where the alma mater was being sung and I get a wee-bit misty eyed. I puffy heart you UT!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The 500th is China
Wheee! This is my 500th post on Newlywed Bliss. I've decided the 5ooth is china and have the perfect post for you.
This one is good! I've been saving it!
You know my love of china! I also have a deep love of all things old and antique. To top it off, I'm a thrifty girl. Yes, I'm nothing if not Southern, savvy, and thrifty. As if this is possible, I have combined all three.
One Saturday morning in September (the 22nd to be exact) J and I gallivanted about a couple of garage sales on our way to our favorite ministry thrift store. As we were returning home he detoured by a sale he'd seen advertised online. It's in an old neighborhood that we've frequented before. We've attended several estate sales there but are often rather pricey because of the items, and because they're normally ran by an estate and auction company.
On this day, it was just plain ol' garage sales. There were three in a row so we decided to get out. (Too often our garage saling results in more money spent on coffee and gas than anything else. We often slow down and decided to get out only if the presentation is nice.) Upon walking to the first sale there was a large sign that read "Your purchase today will help the Vietnamese children". It was written in both English and Vietnamese (well, I can assume that is what it said.)
Well, we had to buy something there! The Vietnamese children were depending on us. I browsed about and noticed a place setting china on the table. It was an elegant white on white pattern with platinum band-beautiful! It was fifty dollars. Hmph, it's $50 in the stores and why would I want one place setting of china. I admired it and as I was about to move on the gentleman approached me to talk about the china.
"Do you like that? The rest of it is over here in a box."
I snapped around and followed him to the box.
"It's a pretty good deal for fifty dollars, there is probably two or three hundred dollars worth of china in here."
I beheld the goodness in the cardboard box on the driveway and I think a little tinkle slid down my leg. I composed myself.
"Sir, the entire box is fifty dollars?"
"Yes Ma'am."
Yup, definitely tinkle down my legs. I only had forty dollars in cash. Hubs had none. I thought I'd try it.
Acting nonchalant, "Will you take $40?"
Enter Vietnamese wife (use your best voice here): "Na! Na! Na! Chi-Na eez feefty dollaz! Fi-nol!"
"Yes, I understand, but I only have forty cash. Can I give you that to keep (my darling, precious, lovely, must-take-home) this for me and I'll just skip down the street to the ATM?"
The gentleman was very nice and said he'd hold it for me sans deposit and I could return with payment in full. I put on my speedy quick legs (well, my husband's SUV) and we made a mad dash for the ATM returning with the crisp ten dollar bill to make my purchase. It was mine! Mine! Mine! MINE!
You may not be that excited thus far, but this was Noritake china. In the box were eight (8!) place settings, two vegetable bowls, one large platter, salt and pepper shakers, butter dish, and sugar and creamer. The gentleman informed me that the china had been his mother's and she was in a nursing home. He again told me that there were two or three hundred dollars worth of china in the box.
Clearly he's an idiot and knew not what was in the box. Clearly his mother would like to knock him out if she knew. Clearly-the lights shone down, the angel's sang, and the proverbial bells were ringing when I discovered this fabulous deal!
As I've noted the pattern was a very elegant white on white design. Thus I determined it to be from mid nineties at the oldest. To get this pattern in an antique I thought I'd have to go back to the 30s or 4os at least, and that is super pricy. Most china in the 50s through 80s was very colorful and very floral. Imagine my shock and awe when Sir Google told me it was circa 1969! I nearly fainted! It's 12 years from being an antique which makes my heart so happy that it nearly melted to butter!
Sir Google also informed me that all of the pieces I had purchased had a value in the field of one grand! Good grief! For a split second I considered resaling because I could a gazillion percentage profit. But perish the thought! No amount of money would make up for the deal and beauty of this find. Money means nothing, but this china will be cherished in our family for decades to come.
Antique China! Bargain! Wow! Here are pictures of my gorgeous Noritake Kendal china. It compliments our wedding china perfectly (solid white with double platinum band). I've always wanted to find some antique pieces of china (since my family has none to pass down) to mix with our wedding china and now I've found the whole sha-bang! I have twenty place settings of china (yes I realize this information combined with this makes me a dish whore!)--I need to have you all over for a fancy dinner!
Lastly--you know my love of teapots, right? I have a teapot with our wedding china, but I wanted a teapot with this pattern. Sadly, it's $200. Hubs fainted, I cried. Let's take up a collection, shall we?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Dear Husband,
I'm not sure how I managed 7 years of driving without knowing you. Your constant "why are you in this lane" and "shouldn't you get over" are ever so informative and constructive. I've lived in this town for seven years, and you three. I'm fairly certain I am capable of navigating the streets.
Furthermore the sighs and gasps are rather distracting. I realize I may test the strength of my brakes a bit more than you'd like, but is it really necessary that there is now a hole in the passenger side floorboard from your "imaginary" brake? I think not. In addition, kindly loosen your grip from the handle of the door.
I claim not to be the best driver, and have a host of tickets that will tell you the same. However, if memory serves me, your number is quite comparable.
While I'm certain you mean well darling, it is clear from the tinkle left in the seat that you're uncomfortable with my driving habits. Therefore I'm more than happy to hand over the keys and allow you the privelage of driving whenever and wherever we got together as it really isn't that thrilling to me anyway.
With Love,
Your Darling Wife (reading in the passenger seat)
P.S. It's not that cute when you pretend the dog is saying things like "Get me off of this roller coaster."
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Blame it on the Rain way down in Kokomo
Today is my dad's birthday. He woud have been 50. Fifty!! That's so young, yet he's not here.
It's weird because I'm painfully aware of this day all month long. Then I forgot about it until I randomly looked at my calendar. I don't want to be sad, but sometimes it's the only emotion I can feel. I want to be my normal chipper self and talk and laugh about his life but sometimes that's still hard. I try really hard to do it that way though, it's my preferred method and I'm sure that would make him happy. That said, I'll never be over it, I'll never be ok, I'll never understand, I'll never stop grieving.
I heard to of my favorite old songs on my way home to lunch today (see title) and was strangely comforted. And then I cried, a lot. I want to kick, scream, cry, and yell because it's so unfair that he lived for such a short time, and that since his death my family has fallen apart. I feel like an orphan most of the time. Yup, just throw my a curly red wig and a mop bucket and I'll give you a little song and dance.
I rest and find comfort in the fact that I will see my dad again. I will one day meet my earthly father and Heavenly Father together. The rage, confusion, and sadness will be gone; I'll forget my questios. I will rejoice.
But for today I'll remember him share a little piece with you. A glimpse at where I got my craftiness. He did amazing things with wood, saws, and paintbrushes. The jewelery box my dad made for me. He cut, painted, an everything. (The blurry spot would be my "real" name.) There is a lock on the top and the inside has lots of little hooks and posts for my goodies.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Running Celebration
What did you do Saturday morning?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Shopping Mall a la Carte
Wooh00 ladies--I was the second place winner at Bunco last night. (That really means I didn't make much more than the money I put in and covered the cost of my wine.) At any rate, the cold hard cash makes me think of shopping. Often malls frustrate me because I want to go see my stores, that I want, right there, in a row. I do enjoy window shopping but only a few times a year do I get to leisurely shop about without a care in the world. Otherwise, I go on a mission. If I could build a shopping mall with just more stores in it, I'd choose:
- Gap
- Ann Taylor Loft
- Banana Republic
- The Limited
- Victoria's Secret
- Lord & Taylor
- Macy's
- Sephora
- Target
- Bed, Bath, & Beyond
- Kohl's
- Hobby Lobby and AC Moore
- Williams-Sonoma and Pottery Barn
- The Home Depot
- World Market
- TJ Maxx and HomeGoods
- Express (for men and women)
- B. Moss
- PetSmart--hey, I gotta make it easy to shop for the pooch!
- La La Lollipop-of course I'd put my own boutique, who wouldn't want to shop there?
What stores would you choose? Limit is 20 (but you can cheat like I did and put a few of the same type stores or same umbrella companies on one line.) Comment here or post on your blog and link back in the comments so we can all come read it.
(I'm getting a little high over here talking about shopping!)
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Did you hear?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A House Survey
This is all you get today, sad, I know. There are a couple of items up at The Bargainista though.
What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? We are both currently using some Bath and Body Works stuff (his and hers) that was Christmas gifts to us last year, we normally don't buy that stuff. I also have Dove which is a staple for our baths. Some philosophy 3-in-1 stuff as well. I love that! The guest bath has a sugar scrub and also some great shower gel.
Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No, but I did in the summer. Yum!
What would you change about your living room? Hmm, it could be a bit larger I'm sure, but as of now it's quite cozy and I like that it opens to the kitchen.
Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? Should be clean now and ready to put away.
What is in your fridge? The usuals: cheese, bread, turkey, salad, milk, beer, coniments, dressing, a few containers of leftovers, half bottle of wine (don't worry, I'll take care of that tonight), lemonade, tea, veggies, braed, and tortillas.
White or wheat bread? I prefer whole grain wheat. J likes white. We have both.
What is on top of your refrigerator? A pretty little picnic basket, it looks so cute!
What color or design is on your shower curtain? The master is a solid white waffle-weave. The guest is a muted stripe of khaki/green/red/blue/etc. The den bath is currently under construction but will probably be in blues and browns variety. (I loved Jenny's paisley blue and chocolate option but the den is the man area so I'm not sure it will work.)
How many plants are in your home? Dead or alive? That greatly affects the number.
Is your bed made right now? Sadly, probably not. I hate unmade beds and would make it everyday. However, J is still sawing logs when I leave and rarely (and I mean rarely) ever makes the bed. I can't say never since there are those two times....
Comet or Soft Scrub? Neither.
Is your closet organized? Have you met me? Of course it is!
Can you describe your flashlight? Um, bright?
Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Glass.
Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? Am I Southern? Of course I do!
If you have a garage, is it cluttered? Not too bad, but that is J's domain. The dog lives there when we're away and we're always working on a project in there so there are always items about being used.
Curtains or blinds? Both.
How many pillows do you sleep with? One, the same one that I've used since I was an infant. You call it disgusting, I call in comfort. Many have tried and failed at stealing my precious pillow.
Do you sleep with any lights on at night? No, but I do use a sound machine.
How often do you vacuum? J is supposed to vacuum three times per week since I allowed him to get the pooch. Does it happen? Nada. I aim (nag/beg/implore) for at least twice but always once.
Standard toothbrush or electric? Standard.
What color is your toothbrush? Pink.
Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? No, but I suppose I should. There is a rug on the inside of the door.
What is in your oven right now? Pampered Chef baking pans and stones.
Is there anything under your bed? No
Chore you hate doing the most? Strangely (or not-so if you know me) I don't mind cleaning and chores and actually enjoy most. I just get cranky when I have to do it all and pick up after people. (Don't ask my husband about that. I'm sure he'll exaggerate my crankiness.) I don't particularly like shaking rugs, but we don't have many rugs like that.
What retro items are in your home? I'm not a retro-kinda gal, I'm more antique-y. But I do have this circa 70's fiber optic flower lamp thingy in a case (it's a good foot tall with 4-inch sides) that plays music. It was always in my grandparents house and they'd turn it on and wind it up for me when it was bedtime. It's rather unattractive and tacky, but I'll keep it forever.
Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? Yes, it's next to the den. When we move we're going to stage it as a bedroom so we can advertise a 4 bed/ 3 bath home. I think that's silly but buyer's apparently have no imagination. Not us, you'd know we have imagination if you saw this place when we bought it!
How many mirrors are in your home? One in each bedroom and each bathroom. One on the vaulted ceiling wall of the living room/kitchen, and one at the bottom of the stairs, so nine.
Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home? Not that I'm aware of.
What color are your walls? I only remember one name but they're all from the Sherwin-Williams book. The living room, den, and hall, and J's guest room area are a creamy beigeish color. The office and master bed room are a darker version, think creamy coffee. My guest room is a sweet pale blue that is actually called (something) gray but is blue. The guest bath is a combo (top/bottom with chair rail) of the two beige-ish mentioned above and with a faux finish. The master bath and kitchen are a sage/celery green called Sweet Caroline. They have finished stripes which are Sweet Caroline mixed with a glaze. I think the new bath may be blue like my bedroom, or the darker beige mentioned above.
Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home? There are, but I'm not quite aware of where the are. They're unloaded though.
What does your home smell like right now? Not sure, just fresh I suppose. I burn candles occasionally.
Favorite candle scent? I like vanillas and fresh clean scents. I like peppermints and cinnamons in the winter.
What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? Both sweet and dill. Yum!
What color is your favorite Bible? The one I carry to church is a small, burgandy leather with a snap. I suppose I don't have a favorite.
Ever been on your roof? No.
Do you own a stereo? A few. I want to get speakers installed in the ceilings, but that will be the next house, I'm certain.
How many TVs do you have? Four. One is stored in the closet and used for patio parties viewing opportunities.
How many house phones? None, we're a two-cell household.
Do you have a housekeeper? Absolutely, she's typing this.
What style do you decorate in? I'm not sure I have a style. Mostly very traditional, classic, and warm I think.
Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints? For large peices I like solid and then I use prints int he cushions,curtains, accessories, etc. However if it's a small chair I can recover, I'll do it in whatever.
Is there a smoke detector in your home? Three or four I think.
In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you’d grab if you only could make one quick trip? Providing Hubs and Pooch are out I'd get my pillow, eeyore, and laptop.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Satan's spawn came to my house, drew my blood, and replaced it with apple juice.*
Hey, did you read the title. If not, look up and check it out. See it? Ok, good. Well, that pretty much sums up my blood drawing experience, less she also had a spiked femullet (you know, a female mullet) with a braid down past her bum. No really, it is. But since you think I'm being overly dramatic, I'll go into detail.
But first, this disclaimer: the following is very un-politically correct and while we here at The Mrs. M/Newlywed Bliss do not discriminate or have prejudices against those who choose other lifestyles, it is what it is and I'll give my viewpoint accordingly on my blog. You may continue.
The life insurance company has a mobile service to give you a (free) physical before being approved for the plan. J set up our time to be last night at 6:30, as he is home from work by then. We had a conversation something like this:
J: Cupcake, it's no big deal. They just do the normal stuff and
you have to pee in a cup and I think getyourblooddrawn!
Me: Blood drawn? Or just a finger prick?
J: Probably just a finger prick, at least that's what
I'd think. I mean, surely. It'll be fine cupcake.
Ok, so I sucked it up and knew I just had to do it. I had hoped that taking allergy shots has toughened me up enough to get though this. Hmph! No so much.
So the, ahem, lady arrived at our home and got out of the car. My eyes popped out of my head. She was, well, quite Butch. Picture this: A femullet. With a spiked top. And a braid. A braid from the crown of the head down. Down to the arse! The sides were trimmed up around the ears and neck like a normal male haircut (I suppose). She also had interesting jewelery.
As you can see, we were off to a glowing start. She's friendly enough and speaks to the dog (who barks and runs) and we exchanged pleasantries. I gave her a heads up that I'm a bit anxious and not looking forward to the blood-drawn part.
Response: "well you and everyone else. I've never met someone that liked it."
Strike one for the butch woman with the funky 'do.
My retort: "ok, well I sometimes pass out....always"
We get started with the normal height/weight (ruined my husbands thoughts that I'm a buck twenty-five soaking wet) and blood pressure stuff. I had an up close look of her gaudy jewelry to see the big gold EMT ring, a copper bangle-type bracelet and an interesting thumb ring. I studied it, thinking that the star with a circle around it symbol looked familiar. Hmm, where had I seen that before? Oh right, that would be in Sunday School when they taught us about the occult! WHAT? THE? ----!
I pick my mouth up off the floor and move on. We tinkle in the cup (one of the least sexy things J and I have done together-producing a cup of urine to a stranger (ahem, now known as Satan's spawn) in our home) and then comes the really fun straw-the-size-of-a-needle-sucking-enough-blood-to-fill-a-punch-bowl. J went first, I turned my head and didn't watch a thing.
J was finished and announced that he'd go take care of the pooch.
Me: Oh no no no no NO you won't! You'll pull up a chair and sit right beside of me.
I'm fairly certain he rolled his eyes at me.
So then it came. Of course she looked at both arms because my veins are microscopic (which is even better for the large, drill-typed needle). Finally she goes back and look at a happy place with a is a pretty little card from Mrs. A on my fridge.
Gulp! It goes in. Ok, not to bad. Not to bad. I'm fine, really I'm fine. I'm going to be fine.
But I'm not. I can feel the blood gushing out of my body like a fire-hydrant in the Bronx on a smoggy July day. I feel faint...dizzy...sick.
She tells me to slow my breathing and apparently I take that as a cue to just stop it all together! Silly breathing.
Next thing I know butch spawn with bad femullet with spikes and braid is holding me up and J is pouring juice down my throat. I don't really remember the first drink but on the second drink my head began to come back down and reattach to my body. I could open my eyes and slightly funcion after the whiffs of peppermint oil under my nose (better than ammonia--points for the spawn on that one). The third brought back color to my lips and face and I felt a bit more normal. I finished off the juice and she did a quick check of my reflexes to make sure I was ok and then was out the door.
So see there--I told you--Satan's spawn came to my house, drew my blood, and replaced it with apple juice.
Afterwards J took me to our favorite little place, The Silver Spoon, and I had this:
Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I only regret that I didn't get two of them. (You see J's hand there but he didn't pull back a nub--I barely touched him.)
*Me, me, me! This could only happen to me! Hello Murphy. Glad to be the example for every single law you could have!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Weekend, Weekend, Wherefore Art Thou Weekend?
Time flies when you're having fun. I can't believe the weekend is over. Quick summary (and then moving on to my incessant whining):
- Dinner with M and R and handful of other couples all to celebrate that M moved back into town and now he can propose to R. Well, those are my thoughts. J and I have bets on the proximity of moving date to proposing date.
- Saturday morning garage saling with my husband. This means we drive around and drink coffee and that's about it. Although we did find a huge doghouse for Mack for only $10. I'm not convinced he'll ever go inside of it, however.
- Saturday afternoon was the Zoo for J's company picnic. Much like this trip, only just the two of us and it included free lunch and ice cream and oh, oh, oh, --a carousal ride. woot!
- Saturday night I babysat (read drank their soda and ate their grapes while reading a great book and peeking up at the kids occasionally and sending them to bed) while J took an online midterm. Yuck!
- Sunday was church, well it would have been but we slept in, and then off to the sticks to meet up with my cousin and his family to grill out and go to the corn maze, hayride, and pumpkin patch. Then it was back home for J to study and me to layout a newsletter before my weekly indulgence of Desperate Housewives.
Not a very exciting post? Well, I'm not very excited so this is all I've got today. I have to have blood drawn this evening. You know, where the tie your arm up and stick a needle the size of a straw in your wee little veins in the bend of your arm and take out enough blood to fill gallon jugs? I take four shots a week for allergies (you can search that on here somwhere) and this makes me want to cry real tears and run far far away, only they'll find me because I run with the dog (loosely speaking) and he's microchipped.
Help me! Tell me your calming secrets that makes this ordeal painless and futile. Or pet me and baby talk so that I can indulge in my wimpiness. Or, send milkshakes and cookie dough.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
On average
Interesting stats about the average American:
The average American will eat 35,000 cookies in their lifetime.
Oh please, I've already eaten that many! I'm sure I'm second only to the Cookie Monster (or maybe Brittny--she loves her some cookies/sweets/desserts too!)
The average American will walk two times around the earth in their lifetime.
I surpassed that stat long ago! I did attend a large urban campus where walking was the only method of transportation and my first class every day was a mile away (up hill both ways in the snow, of course.) I probably walked 5-7 miles a day just getting around campus. I'm sure all of those pub crawls racked up the miles too. On top of that I like to run and walk for enjoyment/exercise/to be healthy/etc.
The average American watches four hours of television per day.
Are? You? Kidding? Me? Who has that kind of time? That's 28 hours per week, two months of your life, nine years in front of the tube. I rarely feel like I'm home four hours per day, less sleeping. I barely watch 4 hours per month, and that's only because Desperate Housewives is back on.
The avearage American drinks 22 gallons of beer per year.
For J, maybe. For me? Add some wine and you've probably got yourself a stat!
The average American spends $3,000-$6,000 on the holidays.
Hold on! Wait a minute. I think my heart just stopped! I can't fathom numbers as large as that. This is definately not true for the M House. You know me!
The average American saves less than 5% of their income.
Heck no! I want to stay at home with kids and J wants to retire (early/at some point/period!). We're big savers!
The average American reads (all-inclusive) 8 hours per week.
I love to read! I've never timed it but I'm sure I meet or exceed this. It actually seems like a high number compared to the amount of people I know that don't read. And especially compared to the TV watchers above.
The average American goes to the movies five times per year.
I probably don't do this. If this tells you anything, J and I received 20 movies passes (each) as a wedding gift. We've used two of them, because we gave one set away. We've been married a year and a half. Yeah, I know!
The average American uses the restroom six times per day.
I have a "baby bladder" as J affectionately calls it. I'm sure I triple this per day, at least double. He'll probably tell you I can go six times in a short roadtrip.
The average American visits a fast food restaurant five times per month.
No way! I/We may visit once per month. Although ususally if we're considering it, we hit Pelancho's or Silver Spoon.
The average American shops six hours per week.
Hmmm, maybe. I suppose if you factor in online browsing, the grocery store, and running small errands, this could be accurate. Although, with the Great Dish Debacle of 2007, I've done a bit more shopping as of late.
The average American eats 200 sandwiches per year.
Probably, I eat sandwiches a lot for lunch.
The average American moves 11 times during their lifetime.
I did that just in college! I was a nomad! Me, a sleeping bag, and a toothbrush!
How average (or unaverage) are you?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Great Dish Debacle of 2007
Calling all Internets--I need your help. Hubs and I have recently decided to purchase new dishes. There are a myriad of reasons, but the biggest being that hubs hates the way our dishes load in the dishwasher because they're very concave. The one time per month that he loads the dishwasher, it makes him irate. (Calm down hubs, I know that sometimes you load the dishwasher twice in one month. Ok, kidding!)
We decided to shop around a bit before making such a big purchase. Then, when garage saling with MommyO and DaddyO (long story short, they are the grandparents of kids I nannyed for and they love J more than words can describe. They live just around the corner from us so we visit frequently.) they were left with a huge box of Buffalo China, (I found it at Williams-Sonoma) the salad/dessert plate and the cups and saucers. I was so excited they offered it to me because once I monogram it with an "M" it will be the perfect, classy dining piece for all occasions of entertaining.

I ventured on to other options and fell absolutely head-over-heels, completely and madly in love with the Emma Collection from the Pottery Barn.

I have a few pieces from the Pottery Barn Great White Collection. Namely I'm in love with those big, wonderful soup mugs you see there. However, the rest of the collection is rather huge and far to big for normal dining.

First, don't get your undies in a wad over the pricing, as I am The Bargainista! I have a, um, let's says "coupon" at both The Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma for a sizable discount. Also, I have loads of Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupons (you can even use expired coupons and use one per item that you're buying!) and items there are often on sale.
Now, the issues. As I said, I'm in love with the Emma dishes. They're nearly the same thing as the Nantucket and I'm fairly certain they are made at the same place, by the same people, just stamped with different names and sold at different retail chains. As for the Nantucket, I hope that it goes back on sale the way I originally found it so that it's more affordable. I love the Buffalo China too. It's great craftsmanship, super heavy, and will last forever. Because of reasons noted above, I do not want the Great White or PB White collections. The Everyday White is still a slight option. The biggest dilemma is the million shades of white I'm bombarded with. I don't want to give up all of the accent and serving pieces I've collected because the purpose of those items was that they match the current dinnerware, and would match anything we found.
Is it ok to have an array of whites and creams and make it all look pretty and put together? Will it look mismatched? Should I hold out for crisp, bright whites that I'm in love with? At this point I fear I'm just in love with new dishes even though the ones I sought aren't exactly perfect, or are they? It is possible to collect all of my accent pieces in the Emma pattern, but I still have a variety of serving trays and platters that are the bright, crisp white and are irreplaceable.
Puh-lease give me your thoughts and opinions! As ridiculous as it is, I'm quite perplexed about the whole situation. GFTS-certainly you have an opinion and your mom has a rule about this somewhere. Mrs. S-pull out every Southern bone in your body and tell me what you think! The rest of you-please help to! Really, my husband will be grateful that I have someone else to discuss the matter with as I'm sure he's growing weary of it.
While I'm at it, here are my current dishes. They'll be posted on craigslist soon, any takers?
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, October 11, 2007
My House Husband
Yesterday J had the day off from work. (Yeah, I know, lucky, lucky guy!) I took care of the pooch in the morning and put him in the garage so J could sleep in. (Yeah, I know, fabulous, wonderful wife!)
He actually didn't sleep too late, and accomplished quite a bit on a to-do list. I didn't make it either, it was just mental for him. His day looked something like this:
- Make recycling center in the garage
- Cut, paint, and hang shelves in the office closet
- Take items to charity center
- Go by hardware store for cord thingy with plug in for garage ceiling
- BUY WIFE MUMS FOR FRONT PORCH (oh yes he did!)
- Run errands at big box store
- Take wife to lunch at Bravo! (yum!)
- Weed eat and manicure lawn
- Go to the grocery store
- Clean garage
- Cook dinner for wife (grilled talapia!)
Isn't he fabulous? I could get used to a house husband I think. Now I'm excited for reorganizing the office closet since there are fancy, pancy shelves.
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Bridal Gallery, Part Deux
It seems a couple lovely ladies missed out on the fun. So without further adieu let me share with you Rusti and Mrs. S.
Also, this is last call---I'm going to do a Bridal Gallery Part Trois if you're interested. You have until this weekend to get your pictures to me, and I'll post it next week. (Ahem, Zoe--you promised you were sending pics!) Send one, two, or ten. I'll take your favorite professional or snapshot and if you only have them with a friend or hubby--that's fine too. We're pretty laid back at the M Bed & Breakfast. Go search now, don't miss the fun!

This is simply the most gorgeous pictures I've ever seen. Rusti looks sassy, sexy, classy, and beautiful all in one glance! I love that she is giddy-happy but without big teethy smile, it's all in her eyes! She looks so timeless. Rusti-I hope you have a big copy of this in your house!

Cute as it can be! I love this sweet little picture. Just look at that big puffy dress and how darling she looks perched in the middle of it. Beautiful!

Ah, the window picture. I do so love window pictures. I think this shot captures a wedding day as she looks like she's waiting for the most wonderful thing in her life to happen.

The only thing I love more than window pictures, are kissing pictures. I love this shot. Do they or do they not look positively hot for each other? They even make "hot for each other" look classy! Look at her beautiful hair too!

This is perfect, perfect, perfect! I hope this is a huge canvas in your home. It captures the love and happiness of your wedding day and is so timeless and classic. (I'm all about the timeless and classic, can you tell?)

She's bringing sexy back! I had to include this picture to show off that stunning back of her dress--sexy indeed!

Next, we have one of my best friends, Mrs. S. She was the first of the Bracelet Girls to marry, although we were all engaged at the time and proceeded to get married in the next 6 months. And, as if that weren't enough, we were all a part of each other's wedding--talk about an (expensive/fun/high emotional) year!
This is one of her favorite pictures. She and B were hanging out between pictures gazing lovingly into each others eyes and she's playing with her feet. It is precious!

I love this beautiful, sweet, and sincere shot of Mrs. S gazing at her bouquet. She was so giddy all day. (Turn your head sideways for the full effect.) I love that profile shot and how elegant and graceful she looks here. Beautiful!

Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Class Reunion
A couple of weeks ago one of my darling friends made a trip to Michigan for her 10-year class reunion. This event lead me to a topic of conversation within my group of friends about attending or not attending class reunions.
My class reunion will be in three years, and I have no intention of going. Mrs. O (she's been my friend since the fifth grade!) and I have always said we have no desire to go, and thus far have stuck to that.
The few close friends I have from high school I keep in touch with regularly. Half of them were not even in my class and therefore wouldn't be at the reunion anyway. There are another few friends that I don't consider close, but we once were, and we chat regularly through email and make plans for dinner when one of us are passing through the others town, etc. The others, well frankly I couldn't care less. Besides, with Facebook and MySpace I know exactly what these people are doing without having to travel and spend a weekend making pleasantries and empty promises of "I'll keep in touch" and "Call you soon."
In addition, a few older friends from my high school that have attended their reunions discussed the utter lameness and waste of time that it was--just as (I/we) expected.
Let's talk about reunions I might enjoy. I would like a reunion from my college days. Graduating members of my major and The College of Communications would be fun. In addition I could really enjoy a PRSSA reunion (the cause of the hula-hooping on the bar while karaoke-ing to Madonna in hot pink sneakers and a cocktail dress episode in New Orleans.). I may or may not be interested in a reunion from any of my other activities and committees, it would depend on my feelings at the moment. I didn't have a great deal of close friends in said activities that I care to catch up with beyond above mentioned sites.
However, the best reunion I could think of would be a sorority reunion with the fabulous Gamma Girls. My nearest and dearest friends are a product of my sorority. GFTS (she was also with me through PRSSA, classes, and lasted the perils of being my roomie), Mrs. S, Mrs. Y, Mrs. LN (also known as the Bracelet Girls), Mrs. H, and the list goes on. Thankfully I'm regularly in touch with these lovely ladies as well as several others through our sorority alumni group, so I suppose that is a reunion of sorts, and it's once per month.
Back on subject, did you or will you go to your high school class reunion? Why or why not? What about other reunions? Would you like other (i.e. college, sorority, etc.) reunions and would you go? Go ahead, discuss.
(I'll just be over here in a state of nostalgia singing the alma mater: On a hollowed hill in Tennesse like beacon shining bright, the stately walls of old UT rise glorious to the site. So here's to you old Tennessee, our alma mater true. We pledge in love and harmony our loyalty to you! Now let's break it down: G-A-M- GAM, M-A GAMMA! S-I-G SIG, M-A SIGMA, G-A-M- GAM, M-A GAMMA Siiii-iiiig-ma! WOO!)
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
The Bridal Gallery
Here they are, some of the most beautiful brides I've ever seen. Enjoy the gallery, and be sure to stop by the blogs of these lovely ladies and tell them just how lovely and beautiful they are!
First up, we have Laurenjean.

I love the very majestic, formal look to this picture. She looks so elegant.

You can just tell they are so giddy and happy in love--total euphoria! I love this shot of her getting ready-look at how naturally beautiful she is!
Next up is Brittny-who I'm sure is a long lost sister of mine somewhere. First is a shot of her wedding party, aren't they cute? I love the little ones.

Look at this one, it says so many things. It looks so romantic, but sexy and beautiful at the same time. It's a classic shot with the veil over the face.

And in true fashion, we save the best for last: This could hands down be my most favorite bridal portrait of all time. Just look at her work it! Alicia, are you secretly a supermodel? I'll bet her husbands eyes pop out of his head every time he sees this one!
Posted by
Southern jezeBelle
Monday, October 08, 2007