Friday, August 24, 2007

Aruba, Jamaica, Oooh I Wanna Take Ya.....

ON A SEVEN DAY CARIBBEAN CRUISE! (Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal!)

My bags have been packed since last weekend. I got my haircut on Wednesday, pedicure and manicure on Thursday, and my beach bag is all stocked with sunscreen and books. I've been rocking to tropical jams on the mp3 player all week and when sweeping the floors I even did a little extra shake, shake, shake, of my hips to get them all ready to sway to the nightly reggae and island bands. (Yes, I know there are hurricanes out there. Don't worry, I'm taking my floaties!)

Tonight we're taking pooch to the sitter (ohmygoodness--I just said that), having a late dinner, and then catching the red eye southbound. We'll be cruising in to any port with a good band, a beach cabana and fruity cocktail or local island brew. Blissful I tell you.

Oh, if you could, please come on over to the M Bed and Breakfast and do a little rain dance. I fear I'm going to return home to crispy, crunchy hydrangeas and that makes me a little sad.

....Key Largo, Montego, Baby why don't we go down to Kokomo. We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow......

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Introducing: The Bargainista

I've done it again. I found a sale so great I think I cried a little tear. But then I dried it up because I had shopping to do. It was also my final inspiration to my new and exciting blog (drum roll please):

(Where Fancy Meets Frugal)
I have a great first post up over there so you should check it out. Later I'm going to add some of my previous bargain posts to the archives.
The Bargainista will only be updated as often as I shop. This may be three times per week, but it may be every three weeks. I'll post great deals whether I actually purchase them or not. It may not apply to everyone, but for large retailers you may be able to snag the deals in your hometown.
However, I'd like all of your help to make The Bargainista an exciting place for everyone! If you find a good deal please send a blurb (and preferably a picture too!) to: thebargainista (at) gmail (dot) com. Don't send anything retail! The Bargainista does not pay retail! However, please do send all of your fabulous finds to share. Include your name (or alias), the store of purchase, the bargain price, other deals available if applicable, and a link to your blog so we can all visit you there.
I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Antics of my Husband

Episode One

J: Hey Cupcake, I found a hair on my plate from the cabinet.
Me: (slightly dramatic) Ewww! That's so gross! I knew there would be dog dander and fur everywhere!
J: It was long, and brown.It wasn't Mack's.

Episode Two
(while making out with my husband...)

Me: (Pfft. Pfft. Pushing something around and out of my mouth) There is something in my mouth.
J: What?
Me: I keep getting bits of something in my mouth.
J: Oh, I just ate an almond hershey bar, and there was an almond stuck in my tooth.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Obsession with Multiples

I have a mad obsession with multiples, much to J's chagrin. He thinks I'm dooming us to have multiples. That, however, would be fine with me. Then I could really justify not going back to work. Oops! Did I write that? What I meant was I'd only be fat and preggars and cranky once. (That's all I meant honey, really!) I'd like triplets. Three kids, one labor, the end! Woo Hoo!

I love all those shows about multiples on TLC and Discovery Health. Jon and Kate Plus 8 is my favorite! J and I are a lot like Jon and Kate (he's laid back and easy going, she's high strung and demanding) so it's especially entertaining for us. I also like the specials about the quadruplet girls in Kentucky. Cutest things ever those Mathias girls. And identical--Wow! And how about The Duggar Family? It never gets old to me. Ever. I can watch the same special a dozen times and I still sit, mesmerized, unable to turn it off. (By the way, their newest special will be on September 18. I realize this makes me a huge dork to know, but I'm quite exited. It's on my Google calendar!) There not really multiples, but do have two set of twins. But something about having a soccer team is appealing to me as well.

Why the obsession? I don't really know. I hope it means I'm destined for multiples. Because, as I've noted, there could be perks!

Anyone else on this train, or is it just me? (Feel free to throw out comments that I'm crazy and all, but please, be kind. I'm fragile!)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Choosing Teams

Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag

Vanessa Manillo and Jessica Simpson

Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie

Hilary Duff and Lindsey Lohan (although not really applicable anymore)

Brittany Spears and Kevin Federline
TEAM K-FED (Good Grief I know, but that girl is a mess!)

Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie
EVEN I DON'T CARE! (although aren't they friends again?)

Ok, pick your teams. And, who did I miss?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Annoyance of the Day: Lack of Manners and Common Courtesy

Let me preface today's post a bit. While I pride myself on being a Southern Belle in the truest form, I did not grow up in a proper society home where I took courses and attended cotillion. That said, I do have manners and common courtesy that I think should be/would be common sense.

Allow me to hop upon today's soapbox, will you? Thanks, you're so kind. Tomorrow I'm hosting a Bridal Tea for a girlfriend of mine (Ta Ta Twin if you've been keeping up). I'm her matron of honor in October. I sent out invitations a little more than a week ago. The invitations clearly stated:

*Please Respond 555-5555 or (email address).
I've resorted to often times putting "Please Respond" as I feel that warrants a yes or a no. I'm a fan of "Regrets Only" but people can't handle that. A good old fashioned "RSVP" seems too ambiguous for the masses. Now I did not put a respond by date, but it's clear that perhaps I should. To me, that is unnecessary to put on small gatherings. When I receive an invitation I check my calendar and I either can or cannot go and respond immediately. Done. The End.

I don't want to be too rigid, but I'm to the point of putting "Respond by X date or you will not be allowed in the door however you can leave your gift on the porch for the guest of honor to recieve. By the way you are a rude idiot!" Appropriate, no?

The guest of honor has rattled off names of people that are supposedly coming. However, thus far I've recieved only two phone calls of ladies who will be attending, and two emails of ladies who will not be attending. This is four out of twenty guests. For the love of all that is good and right in this world why can't you respond? Makes me want to do special place card cookies and the rude people who disregarded the "Please Respond" won't get one, or at least won't get one with their name on it. Hmph!

Then, (oh my word) THEN do you know what happened? I logged on to MySpace and there was an email of a girl who wanted to let me know she was coming. I'm speechless. Speechless Internet! Are you kidding me? You've received a formal invitation to a Bridal Tea, not a backyard, bring-your-own-side-dish barbecue, and the best you can do is send me a response via a MySpace message? You were online so you could have sent an email. Rude! Tacky! It's dead to me! I've pretended it doesn't exist.

What? Don't call me pretentious. She's the one that sent a formal response via MySpace.

That's all. I'll end the rant there. I'm off to make the chicken salad and spiced fruit tea as well as cut hydrangeas for centerpieces.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm a picky panty girl.

I'm very particular about my undies. In fact, I have a quite a fetish for collecting undies. I've mellowed out some but in college I could have went three months without washing laundry and had clean undies on every day. Yes my friend, I probably had more than 100 pairs of panties. I'm very panty particular.

As I said, I've mellowed some, but I still have quite a collection. I wear two panties every day. No, not at the same time. You see, I have to put on fresh panties at night to go to sleep. Under no circumstances can I go to sleep in the panties I've worn all day long. No-sir-ee-bob that just won't happen. I also prefer sleeping in what I call "full butt panties." No granny panties, just simple bikini style or hipsters that have (go figure) a full butt in them.

Then, in the morning I put on yet another fresh pair of panties. Mostly because I wear thongs nearly every day (aren't you glad you know) because they work best with dress pants and dresses for work.

This makes total sense you know. What if I were in an accident and my clothes had to be cut off? I don't want to be known as the girl with the dirty, ratty panties! I'll be the girl with the pretty, clean, just put them on panties.

Another quirk? It drives me crazy to wear thongs with yoga pants and the equivalent. I have no idea why, but the giant wedgie it gives me makes me crazy (provided I'm half way there as it is.)
I also have a small reservoir of new panties in my lingerie drawer. It is my firm belief that new panties make (most) everything better. For example: already feeling crappy and know the day is going to go bad? Just wear new panties! Have an interivew/performance review/big test/speech/project/etc. Just wear new panties! Try it people, it works! There is a divine power in new panties.

As far as panty brands go, I love the VS Body by V. Collection. They're so smooth. I also like the regular cotton undies from that store. I have been wanting to try the Hanky Panky brand but haven't set out on finding them just yet. I also bought a few Gap undies and the microfiber ones are fabulous (the cotton, not so much.). I also have a few random Target (of course!) panties thrown in the mix.

What kind of panty girl are you?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Speaking of Social Networking Sites

Who out there is into the social networking sites? (I'm not asking for your location/address, just if you use them). I know there are several, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and a host of other smaller ones that I've heard of but don't think have ever really caught on.

I have accounts on both Myspace and Facebook. I enjoy Facebook more as it is streamlined and seems more sophisticated. I really don't care for Myspace as I think it's slight ridiculous and rather tacky. I signed up under (boredom at work/peer pressure) at work and now can't seem to delete my account because well, everyone else is on there. The same goes for Facebook, although I do rather enjoy it. They do have a Dogbook on there. (I know!)

I have to say, I do like the fact that I can easily keep up with old friends and acquaintances; where they live, where they work, if they actually finished school, if they're married, if they know their baby's daddy, etc. It's nice to know if you move to a new city maybe you can find someone you knew to help you in a job search. I admit--it does have great qualities and can be rather neat.

As for Myspace, I don't like that some users try to be Internet cool (you know, like you and I already are) and add everyone as their friend. I will not be your friend if I don't know you, so go away! I also get annoyed that if someone does have a real announcement (I moved! I'm knocked up! Etc.) that it would never be seen because of the others with nothing more to do than fervently look for and post useless surveys and questionnaires. Seriously people, save those for a blog! That way people can at least ignore it.

And what about those who have an unhealthy addiction (to either or both) and can do nothing more with their time? For example, I was browsing at a couple of pictures from a recent wedding on a Facebook (another reason I love it!). The bride had posted messages on her site while on her honeymoon! Seriously people! Seriously! I don't even get online on vacation. But especially on your honeymoon? Well I can only presume that other honeymoon activities weren't so fabulous for you to freaking be playing online!

When it comes to such sites I do prefer Facebook over Myspace. It has a more uniform look and I can easily look at profiles, pictures, etc. Myspace is beyond annoying with some of the backgrounds and layouts. Also, I'd like for it to be mandatory that you take a design elements class before putting together a page. Seriously, some of them are so heinous that a 2-year-old with a box of crayons on their mother's sofa could have done better. Too much color, too much flash, too much crap that is useless and annoying!. (Can I get an Amen GFTS? I know you're all about good design!)

So I'm curious about your online social networking. Do you use a site? Why or why not? Which one and why? What is your love/hate relationship with it? Go ahead....let us all know.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

In lieu of the regularly scheduled post, enjoy this moment of my day

I went to the bathroom this morning at work. Would have been fine except when I zipped my pants, the zipper just zipped right off! Zipped. Right. Off! Luckily I was wearing a belt that kept them closed. Of course, I was only wearing the belt because the pants were missing the button and it was the only thing holding them up anyway. Really, they're great pants (Express Khakis) despite the little malfunctions. Luckily I swapped pants at lunch. Jeans no less, so I'm laying low. However, I think we should start casual Tuesday's. All in favor?

Now what do I do with the pants? I really like these pants. They're great for ballet flats and kitten heels. I also can dress them down with a t-shirt and sneakers when I do JL projects that require us to dress as such. Getting the zipper fixed would be $15, a small price to pay. However you know how I shop so I doubt the pants were $15 to begin with. Geesh!

Speaking of bargains however, I've been wanting to read A Woman After God's Own Heart, and A Wife After God's Own Heart (both by Elizabeth George) since many other bloggers have said how wonderful those books are. I went to my local resale bookstore, and although I couldn't find them, I did find A Husband After God's Own Heart (Jim George) for J and it was only $4.00. In addition I purchased The Power of a Praying Wife ($.75 and hardback) and The Power of a Praying Husband ($1.50) as well as a couples devotional book for $1.50. It's a huge hardback so hopefully there is something good in there. We've been looking for a few new devotionals so hopefully the above will fit the bill and I can find the others I want when I return.

Do you know what's even better? I didn't really have to pay for any of the books because I trade mine in there often and had credit, and there is still some left!

Seriously, I need to get hopping on that bargain blog.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Let's Talk Make-Up

I'm very much a fru-fru girly girl and I lurve me some make-up. Anyone with me? Show of hands?

Earlier this summer in an extreme streamlining effort I tossed more than half of my make-up. People--I still had this great Elizabeth Arden gift set that Mrs. O had given me in high school. High school! It was past it's tossing time. I kept it though because I'd loved it so much and I wanted it's last few uses for special occasions. I had several other items for the same reason. I also had several funky eye shadows and liners from the sorority days where there was something to dress-up for every weekend. Sorority days are far gone, it was time to toss.

So now I'm feeling the crunch wanting to buy new make up. However, I don't need any. I still have plenty. But my now comfortable rather than bulging full leather case feels it needs something! Just a little something? (Shh, don't tell my husband!)

What brands do you ladies where? Are you picky about your make-up? Are you brand or product faithful to something? What colors do you like? Do you were light and minimal make-up or a daily full face?

I personally am a Clinique girl, especially for foundation and powder. However I also like Neutrogena. They have a light formula that is great for summer if you need it then (I rarely wear foundation in the summer.) Only some of Clinique's eye shadows do it for me because the pigment isn't as bold as I'd like. However, I do enjoy the strawberry fudge. I do like Mac eye shadows, but they're a little expensive for my tastes. I purchase them when I'm near a make-up outlet and can get them for a fraction of the price. Other than that, I usually buy a brand that has colors I like. I currently have a Maybelline quad of eye shadow that I wear on a nearly daily basis (Designer Chocolates maybe?) and a Rimmel set that is bronzy and brown. However, not all of those colors look on my eyes as they do in the case. I currently have a Clinique blush and bronzer and I use Clinique lipsticks and glosses. I do like Clinique, but the majority of my loot is the product of free gifts as it too is more than i want to pay. Oh, I tend to like Jane eye shadows, mostly because I can pick out each color rather than buy a set for just a color or two that I like. So overall, I suppose I'm not too brand loyal.

I tend to like pinks and browns although purple looks great on my eyes. It's usually my least favorite color, but the color on my eyes is always nice. I am a daily full face too. I work in an office environment feel I'm not complete without it. However I can go lighter on some days, especially in the summer. I wear make-up on the weekends depending on what we're doing. Running errands? A little bit. Going out? The full face. Gardening/running/babysitting/: None.

I also found the new Flirt collection at Kohl's this weekend by Vanessa Manillo. It was really pretty and I acutally liked all the colors in one set. And I think it may be a reasonable price, although I couldn't find it for sure. However I have issues with purchasing this. I'm team Jessica! What's a girl to do?

Hey, how do you girls feel about Mary Kay? It's often seen as "your mother's make-up" but a friend from high school did little bridesmaid makovers for The O Wedding and I was super pleased with my look. The website has a virtual makeover tool and I found some things I like and have thought about purchasing some. Having the little compact thing would be so nice and handy for traveling and road trips, which will be plentiful this fall and winter. But I can't seem to get over the stigma that it's (lowered voice) Mary Kay! Anyone have any rants and raves on it?

Other than that, tell me all about your make-up preferences/routines/brands/and likes and dislikes. I'm sure we can all use a couple of product reviews and tips.

Go ahead, discuss.

Review and Big Clearance

My swimsuit tops arrived in the mail on Saturday. Impressive shipping! They were both perfect. Great quality with some fancy-pancy "fx shaping system" to hold in the wobbly bits apparently. Works for me! The turquoise color matched perfect, which was a big concern. And although it was a plain tank style, the back has a huge scoop which makes it cute and the bold bottoms off-set it nicely. As a plus, both swimsuits have great lined with subtle padding that isn't a problem for large chests and also helps protect the girls in chilly water. I'm thrilled with myself, I could have barely bought one swimsuit for $32 (even at my fave store of Tar-jay!) and I have five! Rawk On!

And not for even bigger news: Kohl's is having mega clearance. As in tank tops for $2.80. Go! Now! No comments! Just Shop!

*Back this afternoon with regularly scheduled posts.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Up and At 'Em

I rarely need my alarm clock. I always set it, but I wake up before sounds, turn it off, and go about my day.

That said, I woke up one morning recently to go the bathroom. Then I brushed my teeth, washed my face, plugge in my curlers, etc. and began my morning routine in preparation for my day. However, this particular day I was feeling more tired than usual. I wondered to myself if I could slip between the sheets for just another 20 minutes or so. I glanced at the clock to see it was only 12:36 a.m. I'd only been asleep for an hour and a half. Not only could I sleep for twenty more minutes, but I could sleep for another six hours! Pure bliss!

I'm glad I realized before I rolled into the office at 1 a.m., only to see the security guard.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Schmooze Me

J and I both work at rather large companies in our town. I say this because we're not exactly in a large town with a lot of corporate options. (I know I sometimes moan and complain about my job, but it's the job and the boss, not the company, the company is wonderful.) That said, there are a fair amount of nice perks and benefits that come our way.

For example, this week at my work, we were treated to massages. Ahh, the bliss!

And then, perhaps even better, last weekend J's division of his company (this is the division that makes them the money, sadly the whole company doesn't enjoy these kinds of perks) took us to see a game of our local minor league baseball team (owned by the Cubs). Not only that, we get sky box seats, complete with dinner (hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages, pulled pork barbecue, chicken tenders, different salads and sides, chips, etc.) and drinks (all you can drink beer included!). We even all have a big package of peanuts and cracker jacks in the seats. It's a pretty good time. J and I enjoy going to the games anyway. I love baseball pants. Wait, what?

Now the following part of the story is related, by not to schmoozing. I was going to tell this story anyway, but it became more significant when Zoe left a comment asking if I was at the game because she saw me and totally recognized me. What are the chances of that? She didn't want to be a scary stalker and quietly said my name (she knows the, gasp!, real name!) but too quietly for me to hear. It would have been fun to meet her though.

Now let me just say that I think Zoe lovely lady and not at all a stalker and I would love to meet her and it's too bad we weren't able to last weekend, but isn't is scary that we put so much of ourselves out there that we are recognizable? It was one of the reasons I went temporarily private to change some names and identities. There are several of you whom I think I could identify given the chance, Zoe included. It's too bad that I didn't see her so I could have ambushed her all stalker-like and begged her to be my new friend and hey- let's get manicures together, shall we? Funny because I've always wondered if I'd run into her around town. This is also a topic Swistle and I discussed over email last week--wonder if I'm in the presence of another blogger while being at Target?

I have made some "friends" through my blog who know lots of my personal information, but I don't want to share that with egads of unknown people. I will go back public eventually, but not until I feel my blog protects me, my family, and my friends. I used to have my real name, location, etc. here. I cringe to think that I could be somewhere and have a total stranger (pervert, psycho, etc.) recognize me and find me due to the amount of information and pictures I've posted. It's definitely something to think about.

(Oh, Zoe--I'll be at Kroger tonight! Come be my friend! I hate that I missed you!)

What do you get if you cross and elephant and a rhino?


Har. Har.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Has anyone seen my big-girl panties?

I need to put them on to continue my shots today and I'm kind of (ok a whole lot of) a wimp. Hold me!

Found It!

Remember how I was looking for the two swimsuit tops? Well, I found them! I shopped Newport News and found the turquoise top (quite plain and not very exciting, but the bottoms I have are very fun with a bold tropical floral print, and one with tie sides and beaded paisley on the hips, so it should balance nicely.) and the black top that was looking for and surprisingly in stock. I've ordered from there before and it seems that items are often on extreme back order. It is also kind of an old lady's catalog on appearance, but it does have good swimwear for the twenties set. I especially enjoy the build your own bikini, which is the section I shopped.

Do you know what's even better? My rockin' good husband found coupon codes online so that I received 20% off (enter 521) and free shipping (enter L79). My $40 order went to $28. Awesome!

I know $28 doesn't appear to be the bargains I normally boast, but prepared to be amazed. I bought four swimsuit bottoms in May for (drum roll please!) one dollar each! They were all target brands that I purchased last spring at a non-branded, yet exclusive, Target outlet. Of the four bottoms, three match a black top (I have two, one that is decent if the straps hold up after I accidentally cut them off in the dryer and had to reattach and one that is semi on the fritz because it's quite old and stretched and I'll probably move past now) and two of the bottoms match a turquoise top, of which I did not own. So one pair of bottoms can go either way. So essentially I have five new swimsuits for $32! Now that is a bargain! Those combined with a couple from the last year or two ( also have other bottoms that will match the new black top) will be perfect for a suit a day on vacation. A suit a day isn't exactly necessary, but at those prices who can say resist?

The catalog also has a great chocolate and pink paisley (all pieces come in paisley and an espresso color so it's great to mix and match) suit I loved but can't really justify purchasing given the above. However it is on back order so if it's on clearance by the time it arrives, I may be forced to acquire it for next spring, no?

Monday, August 06, 2007

He's the Total Package

My husband hot and also incredibly talented at being able to build and fix anything. He has a great personality, immeasureable wit that keeps me laughing, and is pretty good in the kitchen and on the grill. He is also super friendly, very kind, knows his current events and can have a conversation with anyone. People love him.

Not only all of that, but he is super smart. He made an A in graduate statistics. Smart is sexy. And it sure looks good on him.

Friday, August 03, 2007

What does this tell you?

Today I started my allergy shots. Two shots, each arm, I passed out. And you know what? It was still better than yesterday!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

A La Carte

Justice will not be served today. Instead, please enjoy the rotating corn cob shoved up your ass.

Bon Appetit!


Ok, who out there has my cream colored dress cami? 'Fess up. I really need it to go under this dress today. It's the only cami that is the right shade of cream and the same material to fit under this.

Ok, well have you seen it? I even checked the dryer and behind the dryer.

Oh, and while you're looking for it will you find me a black swim top and a turquoise swim top? And also, I'd like a brown ribbed tank. Ready, set, go!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Old Fashioned Letter Writing

I love to write letters. I like email ok too, but there is something to be said for sitting down and writing a little note to someone. I just love to do it. I create reasons to send people I love and care about letters and notes. I often send notes to my friends especially if I have a fun picture I want to pass along. I also try to write all of my grandparents little notes regularly as well as my little brother.

I love getting pretty little monogrammed and personalized stationary. I have several designs for myself, some of which I made (I made it, go figure.) I also have a set for my husband and a set with our married name on it. I mostly use these thank you notes or for formal gifts as enclosures. Of course gift enclosures are a whole other story with me. I'm obsessed with those as well.

Do you write letters regularly or do you hate?